Head feelings
Posted , 9 users are following.
Ok ladies need your help.. Ok these weird head feelings a has anyone got an answer as to what it is and what to do about it? Is it bad sinus infection or what ... It's agitating.
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Posted , 9 users are following.
Ok ladies need your help.. Ok these weird head feelings a has anyone got an answer as to what it is and what to do about it? Is it bad sinus infection or what ... It's agitating.
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brendababy tracy5858
tracy5858 brendababy
jamie50513 tracy5858
tracy5858 jamie50513
juliesutton tracy5858
jane47249 tracy5858
CCinCal tracy5858
jane47249 CCinCal
brendababy CCinCal
I get lots of weird symptoms as well like the sensation your head being pulled back or your head sort of nodding on its own....weird
I have terrible motion sickness and don't like being in the car anymore and feel off balance and woozy everyday
My mornings in particular are full of anxiety, dread and nausea....great
CCinCal brendababy
brendababy CCinCal
I have been getting weird symptoms lately, hard to describe like if I move my eyes to express myself or nod my head I get really woozy/off balance strange sensation. I find it difficult washing my hair cos shampooing and rinsing my hair makes me feel dizzy and panicky
I'm just so fed up with it all to be honest and don't see any end in sight, I know other ladies on here get lots of weird symptoms but I havn't met anyone with symptoms like mine and my dr just thinks I'm neurotic and its anxiety that's wrong with me
I'm hoping things will settle a bit for us soon, do you get weird symptoms ccincal?
Brenda x
CCinCal brendababy
Last week or so my blood pressure has been low 88/75 95/72. Read that's another peri symptom.
I'm SO deflated and in despair. It's going on 10 months for me now. I just had a birthday and first time I wished I was 57 instead of 47.
brendababy CCinCal
I just get so anxious and find myself crying a lot at times, I sit and think there must be something else wrong that's not getting picked up, I have had a lot of stressors though in the past year so maybe that has made my meno symptoms extreme
I went shopping today with my husband, I was in Boots the chemist, after about 20/30 mins I had to go back to the car and sit as I felt faint and weird. I also have motion sickness as well. How are you while travelling ccincal?
CCinCal brendababy
jamie50513 CCinCal
holly78711 brendababy
brendababy holly78711
That's a year now I've been like this and no sign of it leaving
I really look forward to better days
Love and take care Holly xx