Headache and anxieties today, and feeling weak

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All day today I had a headache felt weak and had a lot of anxieties on and off today. I started my progesterone pill yesterday 50mgs. Would this be the progesterone doing this. 

Has any body felt this way on progesterone, weak and anxious, 

how long does this last with the anxieties, and feeling weak on progesterone. 

I would like to know. 

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11 Replies

  • Posted


    I don't know that taking one 50 mg pill can do this to you but really you should call your doctor.  I've never been made to feel weak or anxious on it ever and while I am not sure exactly what type of progesterone you are taking, my dosage is double and so far it has sedating qualities, if anything. That's why I take mine at night.

    Please promise you call your doctor first thing in am to help you sort this out. 

    Take care,

    Annie xx

    • Posted

      I promise unless it was just me anxieties today. I am wearing a heart monitor for two weeks because of the palpitations I have been having.

      Right now i am not having much but I was having a few today. 

      Maybe it was the fact that I was just tired with taking the progesterone pill last night plus ativan, Ativan can really make you tired and I take 1mg 3 times a day for my anxieties so maybe I was just tired from not sleeping to good over the weekend and being stressed out and upset and crying. 

      I think tomorrow I am going to cancel my foot doctors appointment and recooperate at home and rest all day until I get use to this progesterone pill. How much are you on may I ask

    • Posted

      I wonder if when the ativan wears off you are feel anxious then for a bit?

      I take 100 mg of Prometrium (micronized progesterone) at night. It's been a very calming force for me.

      If I took anything with estrogen in it, I'd be jumpy. See how everyone is different with different needs?

      Do talk to your doctor and also mention the ativan, that actually may be causing break through anxiety when it's wearing off between doses.

      Unforturnately you have been dealing with anxiety for some time. Not sure it's the progesterone quite yet.

      Hope you get a good night's rest tonight Susan.

      Annie xx

    • Posted

      It sounds more like high blood pressure. I get a muzzy headache and palpatations from time to time. I've had my heart checked out and it's working just fine. Doc puts it down to high blood pressure (in my case a mix of stress and hormones).

      A couple of years back I had to wear a blood pressure monitor for just 24 hours. The damn thing pinched so much that in the end I could FEEL my blood pressure rise every time it started up!

      I was at the GP's a couple of days ago (for test results - which hadn't arrivedrolleyes). I had a muzzy head and asked him to check my BP - it was sky high. I told him I was going to get a new meter as our old one had developed a leak. I did this and when I got home I tested myself again - still high, but nowhere near as bad.

      That evening I decided to test myself just before going to bed. At the time I was watching Big Bang Theory. My BP had dropped quite a lot. I tested again, another 5 points down, again, another 5 points. All this time I was laughing at Sheldon and his antics.

      My OH said 'you'd better get to bed, before I have to carry you'.

      The moral of this tale? When you are feeling like that, take time to have a good laugh. It lowers BP, gets rid of headaches and helps you sleep better! A Giggle Clinic would save the NHS a FORTUNE!

    • Posted

      I don't understand what happened. I took the Progesterone pill did not take my ativan woke up at 2:30 my heart was pounding like crazy and felt really weak I sat there did some deep breathing went back to sleep, then around after 4 took my levothyroxine at 4:30 I had my eyes closed I became really dizzy when I was trying to fall back to sleep, it really scared me, never had that feeling after taking my levothyroxine. Maybe I will just stick to 1/2 an atvan as needed in the afternoon and at bedtime to keep these anxieties down. 
    • Posted

      This does not have any estrogen in it its just a natural progesterone piill made out of natural-plant-derived hormones not estrogen is in it but I do have the estrogen cream that the urologist wants me to put on down underneath going to stay away from that 

      Last night was terible, I took my 4pm ativan came home and took my progesterone pill went to sleep a little jumpy in the begining did not take my ativan at bedtime woke up with my heart racing and feeing weak did my deep breathing felt warm too, went back to sleep after I calmed down woke up after 4 took my thyroid pill layed down my eyes were closed got very dizzy like the room was spinning just don't know what happened there just a scary feeling I had all night. 

      I think what I am going to do is take 1mg of my ativan at breakfast and dinner and 1/2 in the afternoon as needed and at bedtime to keep my anxieties down then that way I won't go over 3mgs of ativan 

  • Posted

    Yes, I think it may be the pill at work. I had similar symptoms while on the mini pill. I had them put me on Loestrin instead. It's both hormones but at a very low dose and it works fine for me.
    • Posted

      I am only on 50mgs but with taking ativan which is a sedative for anxieties I do get tired and out of it. Maybe tonight I will take half an ativan instead of a whole one
    • Posted

      It's worth a try. I'm sorry you're having trouble with it so far. I hate those anxiety attacks. I had them really bad when I was on the mini pill which is why I came off. Hope you're able to get things sorted out. Feel better.


  • Posted

    hi susan 

    i think you need to chill out and get busy and get your mind off things.

    you said after taking ONE vit B6 it caused you panic and B6 helps many women... 

    i think you are dwelling on all this too much.. get busy doing something you enjoy, 

    just give the tablets time to get into system and start working, or see the doctor after all Doctor prescribed them for you

    good luck


    • Posted

      Its hard not to worry about tings Jayneejay. I grew up having anxieties all my life due to mental abuse from mom, 

      Maybe you will understand this. Last night I only took my progesterone pill did not take my 3rd ativan and slept fine until 2:30 this morning woke up to go to the bathroom felt weak with my heart pounding like crazy, did some deep breathing fell back to sleep woke up after 4 took my thyroid pill layed back down all of a sudden felt really dizzy like the room was spinning. 

      I don't understand what happened 

      Its hard not to worry when I am so sensitive to medications Right now I feel fine but I am going to take 1/2 an ativan at noon and 1/2 at bedtime just keep it at 3mgs no higher because I take 1mg in the morning which I took this morning and 1mg after dinner so to keep it at 3mgs i will take 1/2 in the afternoon as needed and 1/2 at bedtime

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