Headache for two weeks
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I have had a headache for the past two weeks...not constant but it's there every day... hurts eyes too...anyone else experiencing this during periods..also lots of bruising on legs..
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Guest mary_ffw
Are you taking a lot of NSAIDS for the headaches? That might be causing the bruising on your legs.
I get pesky headaches, and really bad ones right before my cycle. And lately I can't even drink white wine as it gives me one. wahhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Also, if I sleep with anything but my one feather pillow I will get a headache.
Claire4474 mary_ffw
2chr2015 mary_ffw
CarolKelso mary_ffw
Migraine type...part of the course for me right now...CK
sharcerv52408 mary_ffw
Hi Mary,
Yes I've been experiencing this too! My last period brought on the worst bout of migraines which also produced eye pain. It felt like my eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. My head felt like I was under water. Of course this sent my anxiety through the roof, started thinking the worst, you know, stroke. You just never know from day to day what symptoms you will have. It's maddening. Hope you are feeling better soon. Take care.
beth1873 mary_ffw
Yup! I have my headaches for 2-3 days. Mine is generally my left temple. And then it will s**t behind my right eye. They're horrible. Nothing you take or do (I use young living essential oils) does a thing for it! No aleve or advil can help it.