Headache, Nosebleeds

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I'm sure I can't have anymore, symptoms for the menopause!!!. Sick of the headaches,

They make me feel so sick. Then I have had the nosebleeds. The hot sweats seemed to have stopped, so pretty sure they are going to come back worse.

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4 Replies

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    Hi, I know how you fell. This time last year I was a wreck, my headaches/ migraine were pitting me to bed for days on end. I would be completely drained for weeks. Up until that point I had been going through the menopause with just the usual hot flushes, anxyity and missing period but when my estrogen went altogether my headaches came on really bad. In the end I went to see my doctor and was ready to give in and take HRT. I seen a new doctor, a female doctor about my age 52 at the time, so I think see totally understood. She explained I'd come too far and HRT would be of no use. She prescribed beta blocker and as they say the rest is history. They control my headaches great. I still get headaches but they don't put me to bed and simple painkillers do the trick. Another bonus with beta blockers is my anxiety has disapeared completely. I've even felt well enough to get a new job which I wouldn't of dreamt of a year ago. I'm new female doctor even noticed my dry skin and prescribed some moisturiser and shower cream, she's my new best friend.

    sorry for the ramble but it does get better, well it has for me and I'm two month off being period free for a year. Hope this is of some help, and take care.


    • Posted

      Hi there, I know what you mean about the headaches, they are not particularly painful but always make me feel sick and tired.  I find a painkiller with caffeine really helps.
  • Posted

    Aww dear, ive never heard of menapause  causing nose bleeds, are you sure its the menapause causing these? I hope its not as this is yet another horrible thing to be added to the list of already countless other symptoms, as if we dont have enough to put up with!
  • Posted

    I suffer from Menopausal Migraines too...eventually my doctor put me on Sumatriptan and although I still get them one 100mg tablet usually sorts me out in an hour.

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