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anyone else get these headaches, head pressure, neck pain, dizziness and just plain eyes out of focus. this is not fun at all. what the heck do you do for this, it sometimes makes me feel nauseous. is this a migraine??

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Kelly...yup sounds like a migraine. I just got over a week long one...head pressure something awful 😦 I get the neck pain too. Migraine irritates the nerves in the neck. Our cerebellum is at the base of the neck... it is responsible for signals for our vestibular system...hence the dizzies, weird eyes, etc. I have vestibular migraine. I am off balance 24/7. I get upwards of 10 migraines per month. Sucks. Currently on nortriptyline for that. Starting HRT soon...don't know how that will turn out.

  • Posted

    yep. all of that plus some. I will be starting the biodentical pellets on the 21st..I didn't want to after resort to taking anything but I've already been doing this for a year and I just can't continue..

    • Posted

      But I also have been dizzy and unstable problem when I don't have a headache...

  • Edited

    I get all that. It comes and goes. Meds don't always help. I usually try to avoid foods that trigger headaches/migraines and just sleep it off. Essential oils like peppermint, lavender, and geranium help too.

  • Edited

    All these symtoms with me too Kelly dear


    Off Balance

    Head Pressure



    All symtons every day 😭😭

    didnot find any remedy to ease them.

    waiting for reply from others if they have any tips to overcome this all .

  • Posted

    Have the same all the time. Been told I have silent migraines and that this causes the dizziness.

  • Posted

    yes and one day i got bouncing eyes with it now i convinced myself i have a brain tumor

  • Posted

    Hi Kelly,

    Yes, I have this quite often.

    My Dr diagnosed it as "Mixed Headache"... basically frequent tension headaches (neckaches, backaches) along with moderately frequent migraine (visual disturbance, vertigo, ears ringing, tingling pain in head and face, hot flashes in my face and head instead of my body... if that makes sense... and stomach issues).

    Sleeping it off is the best thing, but rarely possible for me... work full time, parent, wife, etc

    The Dr prescribed Fioricet for me, and it dulls the pain enough to let me function. I find if I don't have to work so hard at focusing through the pain to keep functioning, it's not so incapacitating... not eating is a big migraine trigger for me, and with the meds I can manage small meals regularly, instead of being nauseated, missing meals, and winding up in bed or at the ER.

    Hope you find some things that work for you!!

    • Posted

      I also have mixed headaches, mostly worst tension headaches with vestibular symptoms especially ear ringing and ear pressure . I went to see neurologist, he prescribed Effexor. For me headaches and anxiety are the worst symptoms of peri, never knew headaches can cause such havoc. does Fioricet work for your headache?

  • Posted

    Headaches all the time , pressure in head sinus pain , dizziness etc peri hell !!!!!!

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