Health Anxiety
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Not sure if this site is still active. I had been a part of it for a while because of all of the perimenopause symptoms I was experiencing. But in June of last year (2018) I found out I that I was pregnant. Long story short, I had a long, hard pregnancy and almost fatal delivery, but thankfully everything turned out ok. Baby is ok and mama, too. Anyway, I am almost 7 months post delivery and it seems like I am right back to where I left off with my perimenopause. My current issue is my extreme health anxiety. I admit that I turn to Dr. Google a lot for diagnosis which has only made matters worse. I am constantly fearing the worst about my health and am anxious about every little pain or odd symptom. I am just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this normal???
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susane84679 VAV2018
congratulations on your baby! may I ask how old you are, if you have been diagnosed as being in perimenopause? many of the ladies on this forum do suffer from health anxiety when a new symptom comes up or drs can't find anything wrong, it is normal for this time in our lives unfortunately.
VAV2018 susane84679
Hi Susan.
Thank you ☺ I am 43. I had one doctor tell me I was starting perimenopause about 2 years ago, but other doctors I've seen tell me I am too young??? They basically tell me it's either all in my head or that I have issues with anxiety...not menopause related. We recently moved from Texas to Washington and I have found some doctors who specialize in menopause. I am hoping that my insurance will cover that.
charcey97 VAV2018
Oh yes. This has been a struggle for me over the last couple years. I've always had it a little, but this last year or two has been off the hook! Very frustrating. I have, also, learned ... Dr. Google is not our friend!
Lisaippie charcey97
no DR Goggle is the worst iin scared to google anything anymore it will say im dying it always says the worst of things even if i read its nothing i still dont believe it in my mind i still think im dying
VAV2018 charcey97
HI Charcey.
No Dr. Google is not a friend for sure! I am sorry you're going through it also. It is exhausting having these worries all the time.
sara97862 VAV2018
Hi VAV, welcome back!! Congratulations on the new baby!!
I am 49, periods unpredictable now, and I struggle with health anxiety a lot!! I feel so dreadful (aches, pain in lots of places, headaches, poor sleep, loss of appetite, poor digestion, low energy and stamina), so much of the time it's hard to believe there is nothing serious going on.
I have lost confidence in my body's ability to keep up with life, yet all the dr's appts reveal nothing clinical wrong.
I think you'll find lots of the ladies here understand how you're feeling!!
I am trying to live more in the moment... I still need a lot of practice, but when I can manage it, it does help
VAV2018 sara97862
Thank you Sara ☺ I appreciate your kindness. Living in the moment is something I need to work on. I have all the same symptoms that you do. I miss the worry free days of my youth.
Lisaippie VAV2018
yes i have health anxiety terrible i mean its been extreme for the last 8 months or so,every little pain or something that happens i fear the worst and last week i was in tears because of it
VAV2018 Lisaippie
I totally understand how you feel Lisa! There are times when I wake up at night just to look at my kids because I am convinced that something is horribly wrong with me and I won't be around much longer. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday that I am very nervous about. Up til now I've never had any major problems with my health. I am praying that I still don't.
pinkcatfairy VAV2018
Dear Vav
Im four hears post menopause and i suffered health anxiety bad, it does get better but even in post menopause I do have the odd moment but it isnt so bad. I think it happens because we have so many symptoms that come and go and are new to us and we feel alone and think it is happening to just ourselves. It is very common! It just creeps up on you doesn't it?
VAV2018 pinkcatfairy
It sure does creep up on me!! One minute I feel fine, then some pain or feeling will hit and I am a nervous wreck again 😦
pinkcatfairy VAV2018
Yes i know it is awful but sadly so common at this stage x