Health anxiety
Posted , 8 users are following.
does anyone suffer from brisk reflexes??
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Posted , 8 users are following.
does anyone suffer from brisk reflexes??
0 likes, 11 replies
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Nettie261962 lisa17089
I do! It's awful. I notice it most in my hands and fingers.
sharcerv52408 lisa17089
I don't know what that is.
2chr2015 lisa17089
for me it was almost like an exaggerated reflex. is that what you mean?
lisa17089 2chr2015
2chr2015 yes brisk reflexes when tested by the physio and I jump and twitch a lot, it freaks me out x
2chr2015 lisa17089
i went through that at the same time i was having all the muscle twitching. It all went away and i really don't know what was causing it. things i considered was maybe medication or vitamins i was taking. or anxiety
angievon lisa17089
yes! i have extreme reflexes! Ive had so many strange symptoms these days that ive been mostly laid up at home. 😦
They're testing me for everything and so far no answers.
lisa17089 angievon
angievon what other symptoms do you have. I twitch and jerk quite a lot and it frightens me, and the fact I have brisk reflexes aswell. I'm worried I have neurological illness xx
Nettie261962 lisa17089
Here too. Been to every specialist and had tons of tests, scans etc. I do have fybromyalgia (23 years now) and recently diagnosed with RA. But nothing explains the goofy reflexes. All so strange!
I've been told by the physio I've got brisk reflexes but I also jump and twitch all the time x
cindy17746 lisa17089
Like twitching? I have it everywhere some days. Even in my head.
Lkl2019 lisa17089
My Neuro noticed mine. no explanation for them tho. I.m sure something to do with the increased anxiety.