Health anxiety again
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Hello everyone . Oh how I wish I could calm down . I really am going to make myself ill . Last week I was having twinges in my chest and called out a paramedic . Ecg was good , blood pressure up and quicker heart rate , but all put down to anxiety and heartburn . I saw my doctor later that day and he told me to not be concerned . I had suffered the same symptoms previously 3 years ago a few months after losing my mum . All put down to grief and peri anxiety . Now I have read that if you have creases on your earlobes it can mean heart problems . I’ve now noticed these on mine . My anxiety is in overdrive again . Have they missed something ? Am I going to have a heart attack in the near future ? What should I do ? I can’t speak to my husband about this , as he will think I’m a fruit loop and here we go again . Nearly seven weeks since my last period and I can’t stand this . I’ll probably give myself a heart attack from this worrying (FYI there was an article on anxiety causing that and strokes as well ) . I really must stop reading these medical articles !
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jilllieberman jane63977
2chr2015 jilllieberman
Guest jane63977
jilllieberman Guest
Michellestar87 Guest
Hi Lou I hope you remember me 😊your post I'm sorry to say made me smile and made me
Feel loads better,as I could have easily wrote that post myself.i hope you're well love Michelle xxx
Guest jilllieberman
Guest Michellestar87
jilllieberman Guest
Michellestar87 Guest
Hope you're well,I'm still going lol xxx
Guest jilllieberman
2chr2015 Guest
Oh Lou! Thank you for the giggles. I needed it today. I can say for sure that I wish I had never gone to nursing school and I wish I lived in the time before google. I remember my grandmother watching talk shows in the afternoon and thinking she had all the diseases they talked about too though 😁.
Guest jane63977
Hi Jane, I want to note dad died at 42 of a heart attack. I am 41. It is something I do not mess around with! I had it tested inside and out. If you haven’t already get a full cardio work up...or at least do a stress test for piece of mind. That will show if your heart is responding properly. I’ve had 2. One, I had to run on a treadmill...almost passed out because of my fatigue. The 2nd, they injected me to induce the stress test. I hated both. All women should have work ups done. We do not display the same symptoms like men and it us definitely not like in the movies! Also, look up York cardiology...last name Gupta...he really explains the heart well and symptoms. He is nice to look at too! 😉Take good care! 😊
jane63977 Guest
Guest jane63977
Jane, your response is perfect. Please copy it and everytime something causes you health it out loud. Indeed! You do have good mom is 78 and can run circles around me right now 😂
2chr2015 jane63977
I feel you Jane. I am a little better about not googling symptoms. But that doesn’t stop my mind from going there. It seems like everywhere I turn, there is something about a severe illness. Maybe it’s big pharma and all of their advertising. All I know is I need help. I can’t remember the name of the show that it was on the other day, but there is some evidence that people are getting rid of this type of anxiety with magic mushrooms. Of course it’s not legal...not in the US anyway. I was seriously contemplating it though. I mean, I thought if the judge could just see how desperate I was to live a normal life. I have literally been through every scenario if I got caught lol. Funny. 😆...but not. Geez!