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So I know this isn't really a menopause topic, but you ladies have been so helpful to me that I thought I'd post my worry here and see if anyone has any thoughts...I was cleaning my shower yesterday afternoon with a cleanser that contains bleach...while I was using it, my eyes felt irritated and the smell was very strong...I left the room as soon as I was done (probably no more than three or four minutes), but could still smell the bleach in my nose (if that makes sense). I did have the window open and the exhaust fan on, but now I'm totally freaking out thinking that I have poisoned myself. My throat feels scratchy and my nose feels irritated (although I did have cold/allergy symptoms already)....of course, I consulted Dr. Google and now I'm convinced that I've done permanent and serious damage to my respiratory system. Anyone been in a similar situation? I had a full-blown panic attack during the night and am having difficulty calming down today.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Weary.  It is probably just an allergic reaction, otherwise I would be dead already cause I use lots of bleach for cleaning. And how much you used of it?  Those things are mixed so they will not cause serious damage unless you over exaggerate.  Take it easy.  
    • Posted

      Hi Bella....thanks for the quick response. I used a few sprays of the cleanser (enough to cover the shower walls), but I don't think that I used an excessive amount....I'm doing my best to keep it in perspective, but once my anxiety gets hold of something, it doesn't let go easily.
    • Posted

      I completely understand...  But think of the odds smile. Once I started peri, I am more prone to have some allergies, maybe happening to you too.  Hgs


  • Posted

    Hi. This could be a chemical reaction there may have been something else that you have used in the shower and when mixed with Bleech reacted it is dangerous to mix chemicals I'm not saying this is what happened but just a thought x
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    Yeah, I get a bit wheezy when using bleach. Just don't mix with other chemicals and ventilate the room.

    Funny how horrible smells like puke, pooh - and bleach - hang around.

    I think we have tiny little hairs in our nostrils that hang on to most smells.

    Just wish mine had hung on to 'the sweet smell of youth'!!!

    Your reaction doesn't necessarily say you've developed an allergy I don't suppose. More like things are changing physically (I know my breathing has drastically changed), and as you know we are all that much more 'sensitive' at the most.

    Maybe next time dilute the bleach in a spray bottle, get the room ventilated and then check your reaction. Think you have to stop using things as with food allergies) then reintroduce o gauge your reaction.

    Either that - or get you ol' man to clean: result!!!:-)

  • Posted

    Hi there

    Think you're OK if the place was as well ventilated l as you say. I use bleach too to clean the mouldy areas of the bathroom and yes the smell is very penetrating and it does hang around inside my nose.

    Maybe you're over sensitive to strong smells at this time. Honestly everything is so out of kilter what with the physical and emotional changes in peri - and the anxieties.

    Hope the smell fades away and you can stop worrying about it.

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