Health Anxiety is driving me nuts
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I have had so many weird and odd symptoms and I have a habit of googling, which I think is the worst thing to do!! I'm 47 and have had trouble with my periods since my teens. Lately they seem to be very erratic, then I can miss a couple then have large clotting. Sorry if that's too much info. I have period pain almost daily and I have had that for years. Have had many ultrasounds to show nothing.My joints have started to ache and its an effort to get out of bed each morning. My head feels weird, I feel like sometimes I could pass out. Sometimes I have trouble taking deep breaths. I have ringing in my ears and an odd whooshing sound. This is mainly at night and I have woken on the occasion to a really weird off balance feeling even though I'm laying down. It's very hard to explain. I have also started to get reflux and a bit of nausea and I have also been diagnosed with Burning Mouth Syndrome which has flared up lately. This seems like I'm complaining(in a way I am haha) I just feel very alone and I feel others think I'm a hypochondriac but these symptoms are very real. Anyone else have the same symptoms as me?
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Marinab kylie01267
Hi Kylie - you aren't alone. It is the curse of fluctuating hormones and it isn't in your head. This forum provides a secure outlet for us to share our feelings that we can't disclose to others who don't understand.
I think some women have an adverse reaction to progesterone which causes joint pain. My sister couldn't take any hormones because it really caused her joints to swell and ache. My friend just started HRT and her joints are killing her. Your progesterone level is probably spiking.
I am 54 and have been having symptoms since I was about 46, They have changed though. It used to be extreme headaches, nausea and vomiting for 2 days straight before my period.Thankfully that pattern has ended but now it is vertigo, subtle headaches, IBS, palpitations, an aura of anxiety and other symptoms I can't even remember,I don't have hot flashes or insomnia. I'm sure that is coming. I do tend to get a feeling of having burning tongue and mouth but it doesn't bother me that much compared to everything else.
I am trying to assume a new approach to focus on what is working right in my body which is a lot but is overshadowed by the stress of the 66 other symptoms.
Hang in there and try to find a menopause certified gyno. They might have some good ideas how to get through this phase. That is my next goal because my pre-menopausal doctor told me I shouldn't blame my anxiety on menopause.Really....40+ years without anxiety but just a coincidence it is happening now when my life is more settled than ever?!
sakura26 Marinab
Omg yes! My gynos say the same thing, anxiety is just in your head not part of hormones when there are studies that prove it IS related to hormones, it's one of the first signs of peri.
tamsin00119 Marinab
Hi Marina
You tell that dr from all of us he doesn't know what he is talking about!! My anxiety about my health only started now when my hormones started acting up... wow how can he even say that.. !!
kylie01267 Marinab
I am actually a bit scared to try HRT. My doctor has suggested I try it and gave me some reading but I'm still not sure its for me. Like you I have been getting anxiety, vertigo and palpitations, which can be very scary. There is a woman's health nurse that comes to our local hospital so I will try and see her, I live in a small town so we don't have access to all medical resources. Plenty of doctors, many of which dismiss symptoms and say they have nothing to do with menopause, it gets very frustrating with so much conflicting advice.
michelle29462 kylie01267
I have all the same things as you ,the worst is the trouble taking a deep breath which was my first problem.On top of that i have a menthol feeling all thru body with freezing cold sweats,also that weird feeling in my head which i call my boat head lol and also internal vibrations.
tamsin00119 michelle29462
Hi Michele
Oh yes that menthol feeling... get it in the bottom of my legs... and then they feel all numb like.. even although I am burning up.. wow it sucks hey... glad for this forum because I thought there was something seriously wrong with me.
michelle29462 tamsin00119
I still think theres something wrong lol its hard to believe this is all from hormones
kylie01267 michelle29462
I also get the sweats then get goosebumps. It's the oddest feeling. I like your expression, 'boat head' that's exaxtly what it feels like
tamsin00119 kylie01267
Hi Kylie
Ja that is me.. Google queen... probably the worst thing to do.. it always leads to some serious health problem that you then make yourself believe you have and then anxiety sets in and takes hold of you... and all that spirals you into a panic attack making the symptoms even worse!! I am my own worst enemy... hang in there girl it will pass and life will become better..we all have similar things happening all the time.. just this morning my numbness is gone and a new symptom has popped up... chest pain on the left... but I have seen so many posts complaining about this... no googling for me.. this to will pass...
sending g you lots of hugs
kylie01267 tamsin00119
I really have to stop googling although I wouldn't have found this site if i didn't google just once Lol Some days are better than others and I try to keep busy so I'm
not focusing on the negative. It really can rule your life, anxiety is exhausting. I think trying to hide how I'm feeling doesn't help either, but reading what others are going through does help,thankyou
tracy01120 tamsin00119
AGREE 100% . We all share the same, similar etc symptoms. Everything's going to be ok. Read up on the 66 symptoms, it's quite the eye opener! I wont ever Googlesymptoms again. I was perfectly fine health wise until April 2019. Then at 51 little things were starting....lump in throat, followed by rapid heartbeat, tiredness, then one thing goes away, something else pops up.....ear pain, crazy vivid dreams. It's all menopause!! This too shall definitely pass!! xo
dora_39625 kylie01267
Hi Kylie....
Yes!! I've experienced and still do the same symptoms as you. Health anxiety is the worst symptom ever! we can thank our hormones for all this.
I'm 44 and have been having all those lovely symptoms that you mention, and more (if that's even possible!!?!) for a good 3 years now.
It's horrible, debilitating and scary at times.
I've had a couple of health scares which sent my health anxiety through the roof.
I feel invisible at times - which I know is an age/hormone thing - and it's just so horrible.
For a person who was always hopeful, optimistic, energetic, motivated, glass half full kind of girl, I find myself tested daily. I can't watch or hear of any kind of sad news or films etc or be around anyone negative if that makes sense, as I find it really affects me now. All thanks to hornones/ageing process, which I know is normal but doesn't feel it when you're going through it..
Just know that you're not alone and help, advice and reassurance is always available on this forum.
kylie01267 dora_39625
oh wow you and I sound so similar. Any type of bad news just depresses me, I try not to watch the news anymore and have deleted facebook as I read too much about death and illness. I used to run every day now I'm flat out getting out of bed haha I try to focus on positive things then I get another symptom and I focus on that. I just wish I could feel normal again. But then I read how other women are going through the same thing and I almost feel better, not that I wish these symptoms on any of you lovely ladies but it's a good feeling knowing I am not alone. Thanks so much for tour reply
lisa07272 kylie01267
hi Kylie,
my anxiety is through the roof. i wake up with racing heart, and just a fear feeling. my ears always make noises sometimes its wooshing, sometimes a high pitched noise, they feel all muffled. I have been seeing a homeopath and she said its very common to get ears problems with the menopause. I also get the dry burning mouth but I read that there are certain supplements that can help. There is a site called and if you type in Menopause they show what things can help, there are videos on there too talking about the Menopause symptoms. The nausea & reflux are common too it seems like there are so many symptoms . Some days I really struggle but my gp doesn't seem to want to prescribe HRT so thats why I am having to try alternatives. Hope you are feeling better today
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tracy01120 kylie01267
good morning. do yourself a favor and stop googling things. it only heightens your anxiety. I'm 51 and last April it started for me. many of the same symptoms.....lump in throat, earache, head fuzziness, dizziness, heart palpitations, erratic heartbeat, sore throat, crazy vivid dreams, sleeplessness. Then I found this forum, all of us experiencing many of the same things. I decided I wasnt going to overthink things anymore. The lump feeling in my throat (globus hysteria) went away, dizziness has subsided, etc. I'm just going to address things as they come. If I feel dizzy, I'm going to take dramamine, if I'm extra tired I'm going to rest more, if I have sore throat I'm going to suck on lozenges etc. Web MD is not your friend. it only makes you fear the worse. I'm no doctor but I read on hear everyone going to numerous specialists and spending tons on these appt. I refuse to do that. Drink plenty of water, get plenty of sleep. I've heard using a fan or playing soft music or wave sounds helps with the ear noises, so try that. This too shall pass. Much love to you
tamsin00119 tracy01120
Hi Tracy
Great way to address it... will have they that approach... anxiety is real though.. difficult to ignore...
kylie01267 tracy01120
hi Tracy yes I think I will stop googling. I can be ok for a few months then all of a sudden I'm hit with the anxiety again. You are so right Web MD is not our friend , it always tells us we are dying. I have been to a few doctors and all but one have dismissed my symptoms and said they have no relation to Menopause. One female doctor agreed that yea the symptoms are from menopause. Like you I refuse to go to specialists unless absolute necessary. Thankyou for your reply x
lisa07272 kylie01267
anxiety is bad today and I now have a sore throat but I am going to try and take Tracy's advice and suck on a lozenge and try and stay calm. It seems like there is always a new symptom and then the anxiety gets bad its like total dread. I just want to be normal instead of a nervous wreck