Health anxiety - worst year of my life
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I turned 51 5 months ago and have fallen apart - sudden bilateral pain in strange places like armpit and groin, tingling/crawling sensations, sore/pressured upper arms, larger and more sensitive breasts, cold hands, emotional wreck, teeth hurting, night sweats etc. if there are 50 symptoms for peri-menopause, I have 100 of them, almost every day a new symptom. I seem to be constantly going to the GP, have gone to emergency in hospital 6 times in the last few months, cervical and uterine polyp removed, but now looking to see rheumatologist (but blood tests all normal). Supplements dont seem to help, I cant function at work, at home, just want to curl up and be left alone. Blood test showed slightly low progesterone but not keen to do HRT as still have regular period. At my wit's end - any suggestions and how long will this last?
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mrs_susan74280 Tzenara
HI there I am going through symptoms just like that, age 58, had trouble the last 8 years, had a sort of break down in march, internal treamberling, electric shock feeling, weeing more, joint aches in bones, itching in different places, depression, anxiety, doctor tried 2 antidepressants didn't rearly work, I couldn't stand loud noise, s, rapid heart beats, stayed on sofa with curtains shut , I am now going to try natural alternative pills, doctor has given me a cream to put down below to help with the weeing ,I think it's a hormone, but not hrt, day 4 on it, but by 4pm it's back again , I am no so bad as I was, but not feeling better, still struggling outside, have grandchildren so have to go out, I do not have periods, had hystercamoy 2007, go on I pad mornings, reading story's, it's the only think keeping me going at the moment as don't work, had no holidays this year as could, nt go, I am going hollandaise and barret later to get Angus Cactus, I already take sage, primrose oil, multi vits, everyday is a struggle, but you carnt give up, take care,
Troldepus71 Tzenara
I’m 46 and my health anxiety have reached new hights :-(
I’m SO perimenopausal and have loads of symptoms. Each new symptom elevate my anxiety - it’s horrible!
My symptoms are hot flushes, irregular periods, digestive issues, sore breasts and armpits, lower back pain, pressure around my tailbone, blurry vision, tremors inside, irregular heartbeats, aching teeth, small cysts around the jawline etc...
My guess is that I have been peri for 2-3 years but since april it has been absolutely horrible.
I have contacted a psychotherapist with special knowledge in anxiety. Hope she can help me and ease my inner battles.
I really hope you find peace too!!!
- Troldepus
ampat1 Troldepus71
Feels like you just described my exact life story, I have all of those symptoms plus insomnia, daily tension headache and ear ringing. My health anxiety has been sky high. It's been a few months since it started, my periods are very light and irregular. Hoping it ends soon. I am not taking anything except magnesium, multivitamins and B12.
Troldepus71 ampat1
I also take multivitamins, a nervecalming natural supplement and fibersupplement for my upset stomach.
I feel that peri runs my life :-(
Pra_Adoni Troldepus71
what nerve calming natural supplement do you take? I am suffering from frayed nerves (nerve pain, odd pulling of nerves that is painful if it happens suddenly), and am at my wits end what to do.
Thanks a ton for your answer!
Tzenara Pra_Adoni
I'd love an answer to this also, I seem to suffer more from nerve pain around the body rather than muscle pain, and any old injuries through my life have seemed to flair up again
Troldepus71 Pra_Adoni
Hi Prat
It’s called “Nersin”. I am from Denmark so I don’t know if it’s available in your country...
It is produced by Holistica Medica.
Good luck in your search for relieve 😊
- Troldepus
Pra_Adoni Troldepus71
Thanks a ton for your answer!!
Guest Tzenara
I can totally relate. My life totally fell apart at 51 too! I'm 53 now and just starting to lead a somewhat more "normal" life, although I'm still dealing with not feeling well daily. All the really severe stuff has finally calmed down though. The only thing I think that helped me was time, and I'm also using an OTC natural progesterone cream which has helped with some of the irregular spotting I was getting and it also helped calm down my severe fibrocystic breasts. I do think that when our progesterone is low, the unopposed estrogen can cause all kinds of havoc in our bodies. I also had EBV reactivate during this time, because my immune system was low, so you might want to ask to be tested for that as well. It's an awful time in life, isn't it? Who thought our 50s would be like this?
2chr2015 Guest
besides the progesterone cream, did you take anything for tour immune system?
caroline62395 Tzenara
I have suffered with health anxiety for 6 years, I think this is when I started perimenopause. My periods are very irregular and thankfully seem to be getting lighter after been heavy for a few years.
My main symptoms are fast heart rate, headaches, trembling in legs, tinnitus, acid reflux and panic attacks. It has changed my life, I used to be a confident ambitious woman but now I am withdrawn and very nervous. I live in hope that one day I will get my life back. My doctor offered my anti depressants and beta blockers but I don't want to take any medication if I can help it.
emma71078 Tzenara
I’m doing a day at a time , as struggling
I wa thrown into early menopause due to cervical cancer, had a full hysterectomy.
This was 18 mths ago, still have no stability really on HRT
But battle on as us women always do!!!!!
sarah39816 Tzenara
I have terrible health anxiety with peri. I’m 47 and have been in peri since I was 43. Right now I’m struggling with extreme anxiety, panic, irrational fear, difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite (I have GERD and all this peri anxiety has caused a recent flare up of symptoms), bloating, belly pain, hot flashes, joint pain, fuzzy feeling in my head, difficulty concentrating. It’s so frustating. I feel like these awful symptoms are never going to improve. My natural wellness physician prescribed BHRT, but I’m afraid to take it because I’m worried it may make me feel worse. I’m just a mess right now and feel like crying all the time.
It does make me feel better reading the posts on this site and knowing I’m not alone. I’m so sorry you are going through this. I hope you feel better soon. Big hugs—Sarah
am66 Tzenara
Hi I'm sorry to hear your problems. It is pretty awful and definitely affects quality of life. I had anxiety and feeling exhausted plus aches and pains jaw pain , constipation vaginal itching plus general skin itching and probably a few more I've forgotten! I wasn't particularly suffering from night sweats so didn't think it was peri menopause related thought I was going mad. However I read up and decided to ask for HRT patches. I started at a very low dose and built up. This has made a huge difference to my quality of life. Don't let scare stories about HRT put you off. Patches do not have the same level of risk for stroke etc as tablets and even tablets have a bad press from one study done on much older women in North America. Hrt is produced from yams a vegetable like a potatoe that contains synthetic oestrogen. It won't suit everyone and I did get some side effects like spotting at first. But very slowly increasing was way to go for me. I was almost suicidal before HRT. Supplements may work for some people but I do think some women need HRT to feel better. If your doctor won't prescribe it ask for a referal to menopause clinic. Good luck x
diane66928 am66
what HRT are you taking please and has it helped with anxiety etc x