Health worry

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Hi 50 and think I'm starting the menopause. I also suffer with health anxiety and constantly think I have cancer or mnd. Recently I've been suffering with intermittent breast pain and itchiness I 1 breast, I googled which told me it could be a sign of cancer, so I went to my doctor. After examining me she referred me to hospital and I got an appoint literally the next day saying my doctor referred me urgently. I'm now absolutely petrified I have the dreaded c. My question is can you get pain in 1 breast with menopause. Thanks x

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lisa, this is something we all need to remind ourselves. EVERY symptom can be a sign of cancer. Doesn't mean it IS. Best to just go get checked out. I've read many a post of people with pain in just one breast being related to hormones. I had a cyst so large in my one breast you would've thought I had an implant! Had MRI, mammos and ultrasounds. All OK for now. Just get it checked. Try not to worry.


  • Posted

    Hi Lisa, I believe that being menopausal, with all the aches, pains and worries is part and parcel of this, sometimes, overwhelming process. I often Google my symptoms and c always comes up. I too literally worry that any ache, pain, forgetfulness and so on is something sinister. Try not to Google, it only increases anxiety. Forums like this are so helpful as you begin to understand how complicated peri and Menopause is. Your doc is a good one getting you seen quickly, less time for you to worry. I hope you get the results soon.

  • Posted

    hi lisa. i totally understand what you are going through. my health anxiety is off the charts most of the time. i hope it makes you feel better to know that when i was having breast pain in my left breast, i also had itchiness in that breast. i was stressed to the max! all came out okay though

    big ((HUGS)) for you! i try to keep my mind as busy as possible

  • Posted

    yes i got severe itching in my right breast that went through to my right shoulder, the itching was severe and inside the breast, its another symptom of menopause / hormone imbalances, good you went to doctors please try not ti worry big hug to you

  • Posted

    I understand how difficult it is. I'm so stressed presently too. I have an issue with my one breast that is being watched. Just got a phone call today saying i need to go for ultrasound guided needle biopsy. My dr said he doesnt think it's cancer but they want to be sure. I'm so stressed.. I hope all is well for you. Earlier the radiologist had said she is almost certain it's not cancer so I am hopeful. I have had lumps removed before and it has always been ok. i also have cystic breasts so i have another large lump that is not a concern. I think cystic breasts can cause itching. I certainly have itching at times.

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    Thankyou all for your replies I really appreciate it xxx

  • Posted

    My health anxiety has skyrocketed since meno. It didn't help that I chased the source of abdominal pain for 3 years that turned out to be gall bladder. Doctors can make you feel like a crazy person when they don't have answers. I went to my gyn for pain in my left breast. It was close to the sternum. She said pain is rarely an indication of cancer. My last mammo was normal. For peace of mind she sent me to a breast surgeon who said it was costchondritis. Inflammation of the connective tissue between the sternum and ribs. Good luck to you!

  • Posted

    Hi Lisa,

    I am 48, and have had pain on the outside of my left breast, yes. And infernal itching!! Sometimes it's a quick zap and done, and sometimes it can go on for hours.

    All mammograms and exams have been normal, not even cysts for me. Dr. speculates my nerves get irritated when my hormones swing, and my anxiety makes it worse. Since there's nothing sinister found so far, I try not to worry about it. Easier said than done!!

    Will be thinking of you! Please take care, and let us know how your tests come out!!

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