Heart beat

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Does anyone hear they heart beating up in they necks when lying down it starts pounding and like it's turning over it comes on sudden at random times too.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes i do. It wakes me up from a dead sleep sometimes. 
  • Posted

    Yes- all the time, I’m pretty sure it’s anxiety, and when you’re focused on it you hear it more.

    It happens to me in my neck, head, back.....it’s awful. One of the symptoms I hate the most

  • Posted

    I actually have a similar thing right now but it’s in my head.

    I just completed a white nuckle drive for 3 hours on the highway, two days after thanksgiving and everyone was traveling. 

    Flying past at 90 mph and weaving in and out- they were crazy! 

    I was fine while I was driving but now that I’m home and safe- the after effects kick in and here comes the anxiety.

    Had accelerated heart rate for a bit- now I just will randomly hear like a very faint “bass” like sound in my head. And the back of my head feels “heavy/fuzzy”, only way to describe it.

    I took a hot bath and the heart rate subsided a bit, but yeah anxiety causes sooooo many weird physical symptoms.

    Also- in case anyone else notices this one, please chime in, but I feel like I’m starting to see a correlation between gut health (regularity/gas/reflux) and anxiety symptoms. Anyone else?

    • Posted

      Totally! Gut health plays a huge role in everything. My daughter was having major anxiety and digestive issues. Once we eliminated gluten from her diet, her digestive issues subsided and so did her anxiety. I've never really had digestive issues, but i also eliminated gluten from my diet just bc i didn't want her to be the only one and to my surprise, my anxiety is a lot less severe this month. Except right now bc I'm a cpl days out from starting my menstrual cycle. 

    • Posted

      Interesting! I might try that actually! Thank you!
    • Posted

      You're very welcome. Please let me know how it works for you. Going gluten free isn't as hard as it used to be. There are a lot of gluten free items out there, including gluten free flour that works and tastes just like regular flour. Let me know if you have any questions. 

    • Posted

      I use to get the heavy head wobbly head buzzing, stabbing pains, tightness around it my very first symptom had a CT scan keep back fine so all this was in my head and I guess when hormones settle so will the brain and we would not be thinking and feeling what is not there..hope you feel good soon Hugs.
  • Posted

    Yes, I do! I can feel my heart beat, which often feels irregular and pumping up through my chest into my neck. It’s very disturbing. Just another problem adding to the mountain of other problems that are popping up.  It never ceases to amaze me how many symptoms that the menopause is bringing to me!! (And others)


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