Heart is acting strangely

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Hello Friends,

I was just sitting down eating dinner when my heart went completely out of rhythm. It stayed that way for a few seconds then started racing out of my chest. Finally, it went back in normal rhythm. It really scared me. Does this sound familiar? Do any of you get the heartbeat that has no rhythm?

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Rebecca

    Yes I have, and it can be pretty scary. I had ectopic beats, where there was a seemingly endless pause followed by a flutter of beats when the heart was trying to get back in sync. It happened quite regularly over a 2 week period and I got an ecg and bloods and all was fine. If it sounds like yours, best to get it checked if it keeps happening but thyroid, iron, hormones, meds, caffeine anything can cause it. Try not to worry xx

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply. I am on a beta blocker because of rapid heart rate. This crazy weird rhythm is kind of new to me. It seems to be always some new symptom to worry me. I am just trying to keep going. 😥

  • Posted

    I agree. I get it from time to time and my doctor has reassured it is nothing to worry about. MIne also are usually related to coffee or chocolate. It can be very scary though when you dont know whats happening.

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      I think I am anemic. I bet that is contributing to it. Glad to hear that others have experienced it and are still going. Thanks for your reply. 🙂

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    it's like skipping heartbeats because my heart doing that now. how long does the symptoms last how does anybody go through menopause I feel like I am going crazy. hair thinning i have a bag under my eye weight going up and down. if I eat sugar II aches my left arm hurt out the blue.

    • Posted

      Mine was like my heart was a popcorn machine. It was popping and flip flopping everywhere. Then it started racing very fast. It really scared me.

    • Posted

      I think you should probably check it out if you've had heart rate issues too, beta blockers should control that but best to be safe but still sure it will be fine. Its a horrible feeling but try and relax or you'll get another symptom 😊 seems to be how it goes for me xx

    • Posted

      Thankfully, I have an appointment in the next couple weeks. I will definitely mention it then. I told my husband and he didn't even blink an eye. He has heard so many harrowing tales over the years that he doesn't get excited anymore. Don't know if this is good or bad.

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      It's a bit like my husband maybe, bit of self preservation. If my hubby got in a flap everyone I had a health emergency, he'd also have random heart rhythms and be flapping most days. Don't think it's good or bad but just how he copes xxx

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      No. I only drink water. I haven't even had any chocolate. I am late on my period. I am wondering if it is hormonal. I just don't know.

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    yes but only if I eat or drink something that is not right for me . but I have had palpitations and gas in that area too. hang it there I hope it gets better.

  • Posted


    me too experiencing racing heart from last week..very scary feel..i have this mostly in afternoon..when i take nap after lunch.

    Tk dear

    • Posted

      Mine usually starts in the afternoon too. It makes me nervous. I hope yours goes away quickly! Take care.

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