Heart palpitations......all day??
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Hello, ladies, me again.....has anyone experienced heart palpitations (not skipped or irregular beats, but an elevated heart rate) for the better part of a day? I've had about six ECGs in the last eighteen months and several rounds of bloodwork and everything looked fine (the cardiologist said I have nothing to worry about) but this racing heart feeling really terrifies me....especially since it lasted for hours today. It's not the first time it has happened (which I suppose should make me feel better), but it's worrisome. I know that palpitations can be a symptom of perimenoause, but what I read online today seemed to indicate that "normal" palpitations last for a few minutes.....of course, once it started today, I became very anxious which probably didn't help.....and I'm due to start my period in the next few days as well which could be a factor.
Any words of wisdom? Am I alone in this one?
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annieschaefer wearykitty
Annie xx
annieschaefer wearykitty
I know it probably sounds crazy, but try and do some slow, deep breathing for a bit. My instructor said when we focus on breathing in and out by counting, it first slows the breath down and second gets the mind to settle down. And possibly it will help you relax about the palpitations. See if it works for you. I'd say the majority of the time it has help me out.
Honesty, there are times, I'm so frazzled that I don't bother take the time to try and settle myself down, which is when I need it the most!
jayneejay wearykitty
sometimes these can be followed by a hot flush at times.
Common causes of heart palpitations include:
Pseudoephedrine, a stimulant in decongestants
Dehydration, causing an electrolyte embalance
Phentermine, ephedrine, and caffeine in diet pills
Emotional stress, which releases adrenaline
Hormonal changes
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), especially when first beginning treatment
Monosodium glutamate in Chinese food, processed foods, canned vegetables, canned soups, and processed meats
In most cases, palpitations associated with menopause are not an indication of heart problems. Palpitations often go away after several months, but even they can recur from time to time.
nancy0925 wearykitty
Are you sure they are heart palpitations? I get fluttering in my chest but it's usually followed by about 15-20 minutes of burping so I take it as gastrointestinal rather than my heart. Just a thought...
Ugh...I just want to feel normal again
sleep2014 wearykitty
fightingmadness wearykitty
However, it is something we have to learn in the frenetic world we live in, we have to learn how to be peaceful, breathe and relax, sometimes. I certainly do! I decided to do yoga twice a day back at Easter time, recently I lapsed; boy, do I see the difference! I was ill, and go out of my routine. Yoga totally chills me out, but you have to make the effort to do it in the first place, once you do though the benefits are amazing.
Yoga helps one breathe deeply and relax, so good for you, it is also 'me' time, so, if you promise yourself to do it every day, even for 10 minutes, it is something you are doing for yourself....that in itself is a wonderful feeling.
You will feel the benefit in heart and mind, as well as body! Go on, give a try! xxx
tabitha41919 wearykitty
Shuje wearykitty
dhruv11 wearykitty
Im a guy, but i get these palptations and the time and just like u mentioned i keep checking my pulse all the time. In my case it is sometimes little more than 90. But again, i just dont feel normal, endless ecg's and all that going to the doctor again and again. Have u been able to solve this?