Heart tacing. Terrible anxiety and missed heartbeats. Palpitations

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Hi everyone, well I'm post menopausal k think as no period for about 4 years, however the anxiety is worse than ever. missed heartbeats. racing heart for about half an hour and blood pressure shoots up and sets off a panic attack, I've just sat and cried today as it's changing my life I can't go out on my own avoid shops. the only thing I do is walk my dogs, and now I'm getting nervous doing that. saw a cardiologist last year and said nothing wrong but come on there must be, I'm going back to Drs next week. can't stand this anymore help anyone thank you xx xx

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10 Replies

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    You could literally describing me right now. Skipping heartbeat, racing heart in spurts and blood pressure goes high. (I am even on bp meds!!). I take chelated magnesium for skipping heartbeat and that helped for awhile but it didn't the last couple days. A woman on here last night said coconut water was recommended to her and it seems to help a bit. I went right out and bought some. I believe it has helped. But not the anxiety feeling. I do not consume caffeine now. I have no control over this. I started taking chamomile pills, but I don't yet know if it will help. I have jagged crying. If it wasn't for my dog, I probably wouldn't get out of bed.

    I am nearly 52 (going on 80) and over two year post menopausal.

    My post menopause is so much worse than my peri. It is different and much worse.

    I am so sorry you are going through this, I feel for you and know that I am here if you.

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      Do you mind me asking what is the name of your BP medicine?

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      I take Carvedilol and Losartan w/HCTZ. I have taken this for years.

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      Thank you, the reason I asked is that I am doing lots and lots of research on adrenaline dominance and menopause. I hope to find answers to all of this anxiety, stress, insomnia and loss of hormones. It all seems to be connected. I am trying to find a way to cut off the adrenaline surges and clam our systems down.

  • Posted

    no period for 3 years its the worse ever. i am right now trying to dip wine to relax only making my heart skip and nauseous..i dont know what else to do my poor dogs are stuck here and im just going through it. ur not alone. u can message me anytime being i cant sleep either

  • Posted

    I'm home too waiting for this to pass. Over just a year and I can't shake the anxiety I never had prior to this. Can't do much out of the house except go grocery shopping and that's because I have too. I can go out to eat with family because I feel safe but, on my own I'm afraid to venture off and I always had before this. I just got some passion flower supplements and I do feel like things are lifting since just taking them the past few days. I'm also, on pro estro to balance my hormones and take DHEA. I've almost accepted that I just have to wait until I wake up from this because fighting that and feeling guilty for being this way only causes more anxiety. I'm in peri too, praying the next stage doesn't hit like this again. Such a horrible way to suffer. Anxiety is no joke. Walking helps, cooking, cleaning. You just have to distract yourself and keep busy until it ends. Sending prayers to you.

  • Posted

    This all sounds SO familiar Rebecca. You didn't say what you'd tried to remedy your symptoms. How is your sleep? When I finally decided I wanted my life back, I was waking up consistently every morning at 3:00 a.m. with a racing/palpatating heart. I also experienced all of the symptoms you described. Anxiety landed me in the hospital once because I seriously thought I was having a stroke. It is SO miserable. No one prepares you for this when you're younger! About 3 years ago I found someone locally who tested my hormones and then I saw a practitioner for bioidentical hormones. They honestly changed my life almost overnight. I remember I sat there with the counselor that day and just cried trying to explain everything I was going through. The brain fog had become so bad even that was difficult. Anyway, everything cleared up and I feel human again. I only occasionally have a sleepless night or a heart skip that I can usually attribute to something I've eaten, and I don't think I've cried in 3 years. Maybe I used up all the tears going through all that! It's totally worth having your hormones checked. Hope you feel better soon.

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      Hi tlgon2info - what type of hormones do you think are helping? Also, would you mind sharing your age? Your post is encouraging!Thank you.

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      Marinab, I turned 59 this past September, so I thought this would all take care of itself by this age. I started bioidenticals at about 55. My labs are checked every 6 months. I haven't had to adjust anything in quite a while. It took about 3 tries to get it what I consider perfect for me. The compound I'm using has Bi-Est ( estradiol and estriol) a tiny bit of testosterone. I also take 210 mg capsule of bioidentical progesterone. That one was increased from 150 mg when I was still having problems sleeping. The cream type progesterone just didn't work for me. I always say that I still think that my period years were WAY easier than all these past few years. I've heard that people who have easy periods have horrible menopause years. Who knows?

      Hope this helps!

  • Posted

    i been having your symptoms for the past few years bp shoots up heart races face gets on fire and like you last hours, ive seen a heart dr told all is fine three years ago this isn't easy will it ever end who knows i pray it does for us all

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