Heavy and Painful Period
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Yet again i am suffering this month with a Heavy and Painful Period.
The Mefenamic Acid is not working at all and the only thing i can take now to take the edge off is the Anadin Period Pain Tablets from the chemist, which is fine but it is not helping lessen the flow like the Mefenamic Tablets do.
I have booked yet another Doctors appt for this but i have a 3 week wait to see her, This is a different GP this time as the one before doesnt listen and just fobs me off with pills. I am not putting up with this for the next 20+ years!
Rant over sorry!
Anyhow i have a few more different symptoms this month jsut to add to the torture: I am always cold (even in a hot room), dizziness, and now my asthma is flaring up with all of the above, which it could be the cold weather also.
Anyone got any advice or help please?
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sarah92c dawn57104
If you contact the 111 service and get a appointment for a emergency doctors appointment
Explain you cant get in with your gp and you need help now .
When you get the appointment ask for a tablet called norethistorne I know its just another tablet but bare with me
Norethistorne in most women is used as a period delay medication so if you were going on holiday but you were due on kind of thing however I suffer really badly with my periods and am due to decided on ethier a hysterectomy or ablation in a few weeks at the hospital as my bleeding was constant and endless and landed me in hospital 6 times due to serve blood loss (im 23 years old).
Although norethistorne did not stop my bleeding it did make myn so much lighter a few drops per hour rather than waterfall I highly recommend its not a long term fix but should definitely keep you better than you are at the moment untill you have your gp appointment.
I am also asthmatic and I had no problems with it if the doctor offers you something called "postanforte" STAY AWAY FROM IT AT ALLL COST!!!! It flared up my asthma and gave me an attack
Hope this helped a little
And hope you feel better soon
dawn57104 sarah92c
My periods are normally bad but this one was exceptionally the worst for some time.
I had been taking Tranexamic acid as well as the mefenamic and had one of those which done the trick for now. phew
I have still booked with my GP - albeit a different one than the last time. for next week now have got them to bring it forward.
Each month seems to vary in all aspects and is driving me mad. I was 30 nearly a fortnight ago wish i could just get rid of them full stop!
Thank you for your help, and i will definately challenge the medication.
sarah92c dawn57104
With your periods you may find that your lining on your uterus is realy thick and that's whats causing your periods to be so heavy it is normaly the case they can find out through a general examination by a gynaecology doctor thats what they firrst thought was wrong with me but theve told me myn is aa pretty rare case especially for my age. But I would ask about being referred to a gynaecologist by your doctor to cheak if theres anything they can do
dawn57104 sarah92c
I will certainly ask when i go and see my GP this time.