Heavy bleeding.

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Hi all, when i was 45 i had constant heavy bleeding for about 2 yrs, this made my life hell, i couldnt socialise etc . I then got the merina coil in, it was brilliant i had no bleeding what so every,after 5yrs i felt there was something falling out, went to my gp sure enough it was the coil coming away, so she removed it. This was in january this year, i will be 5e this year and the bleeding has come back with a vengence, i mean i am constantly at the toilet i am having to change my tampon at least 6 times a day if not more, my gp says they cant give me another coil as i am over 50, i also suffer from an inherited condition called Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency which affects my lungs and will need a lung transplant, because of this they will not give me an operation.

This is effecting my life to the extent i cant do any socialising and have to be near a toilet all the time.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    My cousin had hers replaced at 50 and she had to have it removed at 55 ask another doctor as I'm sure you can have a replacement xx
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    Hi. Like you I had terrible trouble but the Merida did not work for me as it became infected so I had to have it removed after about 5 month. I eventually was sent for endometrial ablation which I opted to have done under local anaesthetic ( consultant had not done it this way previously) but trust me it wasn't too bad. It didn't take long & the doctors & nurses chatted to me all the way through then went straight home after about an hour. Well worth it as I haven't bled since. This may be an option for you. Good luck & believe me you forget all about the awful time you have had once it is done. 
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      You can have an ablation while awake I never knew this that's good to know.did you ask for this ? X
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    I know you are misersble so sorry you are going through that. I know it takes away from everything. I am 48 a few years ago I had issues with severe bleeding just like that I had a oblation done but after the fact I found out I have a under active thyroid and I do believe thats why I was having such awful bleeding. Havent had any problems now that I on thyroid meds. Hope thing's get better for you.
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    Had an ablation also, in 2013. No more periods, procedure was fairly simple, in and out of office in about an hour. Recovery was about 1-2 weeks, easy though. Good luck to you. 
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    Thanks everyone, can i ask what is an ablation and what does this involve. I will try anything just want this to stop or at least slow down.
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    Ablation is just the removal of the lining of the womb. I asked for it to be done under local and they were fine about it. Just went into the day ward, taken down to theatre & given an injection to numb the womb. The lining is then burned off with a laser (I think it's laser). Absolutely fine after, even drove home. Best thing I ever did. Should have done it years ago but did not know anything about it , like you. 
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    I know that feeling Fay. I was wearing 2 super plus tampons plus towels and sometimes I had to change the tampons within half an hour, (sometimes less). The Mirena coil has been brilliant for me. If it helps, I'm 40 and had my coil put in about 5 years ago. I'd like to think they'll give me another one if I need it. I've never heard of anyone being turned down at your age. It's either that or a Hysterectomy when it's so bad.

    I agree with the other ladies. Go to another doctor, in your condition you don't want to feel any worse. Good luck xx. 

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      Sorry, ruddy need an EDIT BUTTON. I meant to say I'm 50 now. 
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    Oh gosh Faye i feel for you. After being in blood thining tablets I was bleeding constantly for about 5 month until I got the Serena cool fitted. Best thing I ever had. In 48 now will have to have this taken out in 2 years quite scared the bleeding will come back as I've just started going thro the menopause. Hope we are not to old before we can start living and enjoying life without the trials of being a woman

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