Heavy periids and clots are getting me down

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Sorry for the gory details, but I have so had it with my heavy periods with so much clots. Will this never end. Ugh. Not rrally looking for an answer, I.know its part of the process, but just wondering if anyone is feeling the same way. sad

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi DearDoe. I put up with the same for years. Then I read about Tranexamic Acid on here and asked my doctor for it last November. Take it on the first day of your period for 5 days and it lessens the blood loss. I wish I'd heard about it sooner! 

    Maybe worth you asking for it. Hope something helps soon xx

  • Posted

    Hi DearDoe,

    I totally understand where your coming from.

    I had my first period on 31st March since taking my mirena coil out. My gosh!  i have always suffered with heavy periods  and this is why i had the coil put in to slow my bleeding down.

    Oh my, It was like a flood!....which frightened me, i was changing a towel every 1/2 hour and this lasted for 6 days....it was totally draining.

    The tablets Maisie said Traneamic Acid i used to have those and they helped me for a while. 

    I am going to see how i get on, on my next period and decide what my next step is. 

    Woman have it so hard, all different hormones to deal with. This perimenopause has a lot to answer for!!

    Chin up and keep smiling thats what i do...:-)


  • Posted


    My sister had REALLY heavy periods and clotting. She would wear 2 super duty tampons at a time & a heavy duty pad!

    She would have periods that lasted 3 weeks out of the month.

    Once our mother thought that my sister was hemmoraging and wanted to take her to the hospital.

    My sister had been to the doctor and was told it was perimenopause/menopause.

    Hope this helps.

  • Posted

    Hi DearDoe i too have really bad periods and ridiculous clotting i am goin to be 50 this has been going on since my early 30's and yes i am fed up !!! 3 years ago i had the ablation and was extremely happy to know that i would have very light to no periods if lucky and that was me going by what alot of people who had it done had told me. well a month after the ablation no periodsmile imagine my excitement very short lived 2nd month after ablation right back to heavy periods and clotting. went to the DR.and she said well sometimes these things dont work we can do a hysterectomy and i said no!!! i had to pay thousands out of my pocket to do that surgery which did nothing. So yes i am feeling the same way and am hoping these periods start to slow down as i am regular as clock work every 23-26 days i can go through a pad in less then a 1/2 hr for 3 days just terrible i am always afraid to walk or stand it pours out like a faucet.. So i have no advice  i just deal with it.

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