Heavy periods and feelings of craziness!

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Hello Ladies,

It's been a while since I've been on the site.  I feel so lucky to have found this forum, as it has helped me tremendously these last few years.  I will be 47 in a few months.  Lately my periods have been getting further apart (they used to be like clockwork).  My last cycle was 65 days.  I just recently started my period.  It took a long time to start.  It bgan with very very light brown spotting and after a few days I began to flow heavily with lots of flooding.  I also am dealing with cramps and migraines (I feel like how I felt when I was a teenager and having my period!).  I truly feel like I am going crazy.  I have hot flashes and night sweats, as well.  I feel like crying all the time!

My doc had said my progesterone levels were low, but I am not at all interested in hormone therapy.  She wasn't really able to offer me any relief other than suggesting magnesium supplements (which I take regularly) and calcium with vitamin D.  I am also taking a multi vitamin supplement.  Ibuprofen has not really helped much.

I am hoping some of you have experienced these issues and can recommend some natural therapies to help me through.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much!


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sarah,

    You are the same age as me and your struggles are similar.

    I have just discovered bio identical hormone therapy and am booked in for a consultation. I also did not want regular HRT but there is no way I can cope with this for the next x amount of years.

    Take a look into it, it might be good for you xx


    • Posted

      Dear Planet Girl,

      Thank you very much for your reply.  I did discuss bioidentical hormone therapy with my physician and we determined a natural path using supplements, exercise, and meditation would best the best route.  I am trying to avoid this type of therapy for now.  I hope it works well for you!  Thank you again for your feedback.  It is a comfort to know that you are going through the same things.  Wishing you all the very best!--Sarah

  • Posted

    Please research all the risks of bioidentical hormone therapy, as you would traditional HRT before you make any decisions. There is no research on the risks of BHRT as compared to a lot of research and scientific evidence on HRT for which the risks are well established. I have read that The International Menopause Society, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, The Endocrine Society, the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), United States Food and Drug Administration, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, American Medical Association, American Cancer Society and the Mayo Clinic have released statements that there is a lack of evidence that the benefits and risks of bioidentical hormones are different from well-studied nonbioidentical counterparts; until such evidence is produced the risks should be treated as if they are similar; and that compounded hormone products may have additional risks related to compounding. Custom-compounded BHRT is only available in the US, I believe.
    • Posted

      Dear Suki,

      Thank you for your reply and for the detailed information.  Should I ever consider bioidentical or traditional hormone therapy, I will most certainly do the necessary research so I am well informed.  I had previously determined this was not an option for me.  Again, thank you for your feedback.  I appreciate it very much.  Best regards, Sarah

  • Posted

    I was cautioning planet girl more than you. My GP advised me against bioidentical hormones because they do not know the risks yet. With HRT we know the risks and then us menopausal women can make our own decision based on the risks vs benefits. I started perimenopause in 2013 but my symptoms were not too bad - just irregular and very heavy periods and vaginal dryness. Like you I opted for the natural route using dietary suppliments, natural oils in the vagina and living healthily. In that way I was able to continue having intercourse for a few years. But then, a few months ago intercourse started hurting, despite the tonnes of lube, my periods stopped and and I got hot flushes every couple of hours. I discussed it with my GP and as my symptoms were not too bad and the painful intercourse was the main issue for me, I tried using ovestin cream in my vagina. Such topical use of oestrogen carries much less risk than systemic HRT. I am so pleased I did - I now have the vag of a much younger woman! However, I am aware that menopause is unpredictable and fluctuates (for example, my hot flushes have stopped am I just got my period!) so I may have to make decisions again about my treatment in the future.
    • Posted

      Thanks, Suki.  Yes, I understand completely.  Intercourse is very painful for me, too.  I tried using natural oils like coconut and it does help some, but it can still be very painful.  My poor husband understands, but it's frustrating for both of us to feel like we're too young to just stop having sex!  We will not give up though!

      I may consider a topical prescription cream in the future if I can't find relief any other way.  I'm glad it worked for you.

      The hormone fluctuations and feelings of craziness, along with heavy, long periods is what is getting to me right now.  I seriously feel like I'm going insane.  I just want to cry all the time.  Right now I'm dealing with a very difficult period, heavy flooding and lots of menstrual cramps.  I just keep thinking...when will this end?!

      Thank you for writing and sharing your story.  It helps me not feel so all alone in this!  Hugs to you! --Sarah

  • Posted

    I use coconut oil on a daily basis (after every time I go to the loo). For intercourse I use Yes oil based lube - I find is dissipates less than the coconut oil. For extra slipperiness they recommend using yes water based on top of oil based (oil and water don't mix). I can't do that because water based lubes sting me. However, I found the best for slipperiness (before I started using the oestrogen cream) was pure silicone lube. Didn't sting me either. I used an extra thick silicone lube (I think it is meant for anal intercourse!). I can message you the make if you like.

    • Posted

      Dear Suki,

      Thank you for the information.  It sounds like you have found some success.  I will try some of your suggestions, as well.  I am hoping as I get through perimenopause I will get some of my libido back as my hormones balance.  That is really the bigger part of the issue--not having any desire.  Your suggestions of what works for you to combat vaginal dryness is encouraging to me.  

      Thank you so much for your reply.  It's very good to know others are having the same troubles and that I am not alone.

      Wishing you the best,


    • Posted

      Something I forgot to say - have you tried sea buckthorn oil? I have been taking that (oral capsules) for 4 years. There is some very good research showing that taking 3g of sea buckthorn oil as day improves the condition of the vaginal wall cells and is a viable alternative for women who cannot or do not want to have HRT. I took 1g three times a day, but used to forget the midday dose so now take 1.5g in the morning and before bed. I really believe it helped keep my vaginal wall healthy. I tried inserting it into my vagina too, but it doesn't smell very nice and is bright orange so left orange stains on my hands and clothes. It doesn't improve natural lubrication though, hence my liberal use of lubes.

      As for my libido, it doesn't seem to have suffered! 

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