Heavyness in head..is Mg helpful for this ?

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Helloooo Friends

I have many Peri symtoms from last year.

Worst is head pressure(Heavyness feeling in head ) , headaches and off balance issues.

This is most scary symtom for me

Effecting my routine life .

Is Mg suppliment helpful for this ?

Anyone tried and have positive results for his symtom .

Or u have any other tip plzz suggest.

Plzz Reply


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26 Replies

  • Posted

    i have the same issues and its been bad since i started my cycle this is 4th day of cycle my head has the pressure off balance and heaviness its scaring me im so sick of dealing with this i dont know what helps its been three years for me seems worse on ovulation and cycle time. just wanted you to know your not alone

    • Posted

      Thanks for reply dear..me too fed up with these symtoms. .stuggling time of life .

      Hope Peri will over soon for all of us

      waiting for better days.

      Good luck for ur journey .

  • Posted

    I have this also for a few years now! The heavy head ( head pressure) has to do with the hormones and they just keep cycling every month, I will have a bad week or 2 of heavy head pressure off balance , dizzy especially while turning to fast , feelings of sitting still while everything is moving fast by me, wavy lines looking at patterns, the list just goes on and on, vestibular migraines,, look that up , its common in peri.. Hope you feel better!

    • Posted

      Thanks for reply mam.

      Reading reply of friends give me motivation that me not alone..its part of peri.. part of life..we all r dealing with it...Reduces my stress .

      Peri is very hummpy road of life... we all stuggling with sooo many symtoms .

      I wish we all will be ok soon.

      Good Luck for ur journey.

    • Posted

      Yes some how its very comforting knowing we are all going thru the same😊

    • Posted

      Yes mam..got support from each other.

      i wish we become normal soon.


      have a nice weekend

  • Posted

    Hi, when you ladies get heavy head and pressure do you also get a terrible pressure in the front of your face in your like above roof of mouth into your nose and eyes like they are going to pop off your face? Also extremely heightened senses, off the charts sense of smell, sound, light. Its debilitating 😦

    • Posted

      hi mam

      No i donot feel pressure in face mam..sometimes in my eyes.. ..I mostly experience heavy head , off balance , head vibrations or sometimes vibration in stomach too 😭😭

    • Posted

      I get so much pressure I write it down as one of my cycling symptoms month to month.. I don't feel pressure in the roof of my mouth or above but keep going a little further up and I'm a swollen pressurized mess.. I believe these fluctuating hormones take toll on the sinuses as well as everything else.. I for sure see a pattern with mine.. I even have a couple of polyps on the right side frontal and behind the eye, and them little things will flare up too, and one of them every couple weeks hangs down to where I can see it, it looks like a green grape stuck in my right nostril, ( sorry if tmi) lol but all part of this! When the rain or snow comes without a doubt my whole head eyes too feel like its being squeezed.. I even downloaded a baremetric pressure app and when it drops below 30 I feel like my head is in a viscrip being squeezed.. Yes definitely to the heightened smells and sounds and lighting just about does me in, I had to order special glasses just to go into a store or school or anywhere there is fluorescent lighting, to ease the wicked migraines I get from them! I think the sinuses the head pressure , and migraines , dizziness, off balance ear ringing vertigo all fall into same category and is all triggered by our lovely hormones!!! I had my first MRI Monday because of severe migraines and head pressure, all came out fine as far as no tumors or aneurysms so I'm certainly very thankful for that, but still suffering badly with all of this.. My aunt says she had much of the same, she says she thought she was gonna die with all the pressure and dizziness..I am very thankful when the weather is nice and hormones aren't so weird, then I feel ok on those days..

    • Posted

      I have no idea how to live with this fir the next however many years. I am like a stanger to my sisters my chikdren my best friends, anyone who knows me because these symptoms are so debilitating on top of already existing anxiety and some ocd. Im afraid to go on antidepressant or medication like tgat because of the side effects and its not like its going to stop your hormones from fluctuating so all of those symptoms still remain. Or is the ocd in me over thinking it? I had a brain mri as well but without contrast i was too afraid to get contrast. It was normal like the 20 other tests ive had done yet i feel like im dying everyday. God forgive me but i do pray for god to take me and im only 48 well ill be 48 tom. Im a believer in gut health, mine is awful so i wonder if that makes things worse plus i did that nutrtiongenome dna test and i have lot of snp'S or defects in my detoxification so im sure these hormones are just recirculating through my body. But then again some ppl say you need to take those tests with a grain of salt so idk. All i know is i am trapped in a body that is one big malfunction from head to toe and its an awful feeling.

    • Posted

      I use to think also wow how many years of this... I had a hysterectomy with my ovaries left in me when I was 27, and I just turned 48 in January.. Happy birthday to you to by the way.. But after my hysterectomy I soon begin to feel different, even though doctors say you will go through your change naturally way later on in life, that did not happen, after surgery blood supply is cut off to them ovaries and they begin to fail soon after.. I was always a worrier things like that, and yes I have always had since the surgery and having kids some degree of OCD as well, after my second son was born I would have to make sure hands were obsessively washed always checking things and it just became and was always a part of me, but fast forward to 43 I started having lots more symptoms that i never really put 2 and 2 together, until I reached 45 I literary woke up one morning and was smacked with symptoms so bad OCD was way worse I had health anxiety through the roof, as well as anxiety with panic attacks it was so awful, I couldn't eat , I couldn't drink wine anymore, I was a social smoker and would smoke outside my home and car and couldn't even do that anymore, I was struck with symptoms so bad, I lost so much weight and had agoraphobia and couldn't even leave my house.. I started researching everything as to why this was happening, my aunt told me look into menopause and basically explained it all to me above and beyond hot flashes , dry vagina and night sweats, she really opened my eyes to there is much much more to this .. She said the really awful part of it all should last a couple years and then start to ease up.. She for the most part is right, it is indeed a lot of talking to yourself I can get through this over and over again type of talking.. I changed my diet and everything I was use to, so I guess thats why they call it the change. Nothing was exciting to me anymore, not friends nor family or Christmas or birthdays everything was depressing.. And well little by little I get excited somewhat about things I use to enjoy hobby wise I still keep to myself a lot and just try and make it through my symptoms month to month, but I definitely don't feel the way I did at the beginning, now mostly physical symptoms migraines vertigo health anxiety does hit me still..also I could not take the dye either it must be a OCD thing , I just feel safer without it.. sunaina I do apologize if you feel I over took your post but really wanted to respond to Susan with her questions and concerns, I was told by someone else a week or so ago that I over took their post and had to apologize to them, so again sorry...I hope we all feel better soon all of us.. One day at a time..

    • Posted

      Hey mam no need to say sorry..

      its our forum and its place we can discuss our problems and share tips.

      no need to say sorry

      Good Luck for ur journey.

      waiting for better days


    • Posted

      Mam ur not alone.

      Donot worry this time will pass soon.

      we all r stuggling. with some symtoms.

      Happy Birthday in Advance.

      Stay Blessed.

    • Posted

      I am 6 years into menopause and get this all the time. I cant go out in sunlight and nobody is allowed in wear perfume around me

    • Posted

      ohhhh 6 years. mam ur periods stop ?

      Ur in Peri ??

      good luck for ur journe will Pray for all for better days


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