Hello loves just checking in

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Hello ladies hope all is getting better i haven't been on in a good while everything is going ok i still have my aches in my joints but for the most part im doing so much better after the menopause hell the sore burning tongue the flutters in the tummy health anxiety dry eyes n nose heart beating fast eye n lips jumping burning on different places of my body crawling skin shoulders aching wrist fingers all of the above ladies you name it ive been through i believe i read 66 different symptoms amd i experience 65 of them cant forget shock feeling under my scalp grrrr.well enough im always praying for everyone and hope your getting through this thing we call menopause hgod bless ladies

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Monique...thanks for checking in. I read "eye and lips jumping". I have a twitch under my left eye and a twitch on my upper lip that come and go almost every day. Is that what you had, like a nerve twitch?

  • Posted

    Eyes and lips jumping is that like muscle twitches? Anyone get the muscle twitches I get them all over the place at times
    • Posted

      Yes it is the silly thing i hated was my lip it drove me crazy my kids laughed at me because I. Would say to them look at my lip they would say tgey couldn't see anything lol but it gies away after a while

  • Posted

    Hi there

    How long did all your horrid symptoms last?

    • Posted

      Well for the most horrible one which was health anxiety at least 3 yrs but all hit me at once its like every other day something new my stomach flutters still pop up every blue moon but for the most part its been over 4yrs now and they have subsided tremendously not 100% but id say 97% but i does get better there is a light at the end of the horrible thing we call menopause hang in there hugs
    • Posted

      Sorry to say Michelle I have had every symptom

      mentioned and its been about 12 years now. Of course

      everyone is different but what I am trying to say is

      however long yours lasts you will get through it and

      learn to deal with each one. I am still here😀(so far)

      try not to get too obsessed with each symptom just

      try to calmly deal with it. I used to get hysterical,

      but you find a way.

      All my very best go you.??

    • Posted

      Right so right i did say 97% but it does peak every blue moon
    • Posted

      thanks for telling there is light at the end of the tunnel. Is there somethng specific you take for it or just learnt to cope with them?
    • Posted

      No i just winged it i believe in my heart that if you learn to cope with the issues you have less worries i still have little things but i dont let it stop me i keep going on with my day iit does get easier i didnt take anything. At all just my every day bp pill hang in there it does get better hun
  • Posted

    Hi Monique, I too am suffering, shaking inside, tingly arm, saying the wrong words, doing sometimes silly things, getting hot flushes, going cold, feeling, numb face, but I am able to go work where I am a office manager, I make quilts, brain train, so why do I feel so horrible, my doctors says it's because I have had a few bad shocks and situations, I am try st Johns wort, just want this anxiousness to go away 

    • Posted

      To be honest i did it all natural i refuse to take anything besides doc says to me if i use drugs to prevent menopause symptoms it does but after you stop it comes back full force but what you are going through its normal hang in there
  • Posted

    Thanks for sharing Monique. It helps to know that we are not alone in all of this.

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