Hello x
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I am so glad I've found this place. I've just come to realise that all the seemingly unconnected symptoms I've been experiencing are actually the menopause or peri.
I'm tired. Bone crunchingly tired and sore. I have anxiety and panic, my heart races for no particular reason which causes more anxiety. I'm crabby, weepy and irrational. I feel bloated, foggy brained and nauseous. I dont feel like me anymore, i dont feel normal anymore.
or I didn't until I came here and read some of your stories and I realised that I'm perfectly normal and no madder than usual lol. your stories have made me realise that we are all in the same boat and for that I'm grateful so thank you x
I can't take HRT since it gave my mum breast cancer so I'm on the hunt for something alternative that may actually work. I think I could possibly cope with the physical symptoms if I could control the "mental" ones. The anxiety and the brain fog would be a good start. But in the meantime ... Hello .... 😊 👋
6 likes, 9 replies
susan39015 Ziggy83
Hi Ziggy, hang in there:) It truly is an awful way to live everyday. Feels like i have the flu bad everyday plus 50 other symptoms but then youre told everything is fine when u go to the dr. I dont even know who i am anymore, relationships have been ruined because i dont go out anymore and im so irritable and tired and bitchy. I wish i had advice for you. Ive been to every dr spent thousands on tests and supplements. Just take everyday slowly, deep breaths when you can, stretching, if you have a treadmill put it on a slow speed and put healing tones on and just walk slowly. I pray i pray a lot:) Hugs and prayers to you ❤ There are soooo many wonderful women that come on here that offer great advice and endless support so you are in the right place! xo
Ziggy83 susan39015
Thank you Susan x I was not to bad with the doctor, she was the one who encouraged me to look into alternative therapy and has said if nothing works then I can try HRT if I want but she would monitor me closely if I chose it. I remember my mum saying that when she eventually came off it she got all the hot flushes etc anyway so it seemed to only postpone the symptoms.
I bought some magnesium today ( they're like horse tablets 😯) and I will try to be stricter with what I'm eating so see if I get some benefit that way first. Fingers crossed.
It was funny when I first looked at this forum I was like OMG ...I get that...and that...that too... 😂 but it was actually a relief that I'm normal. hopefully we can all get through this together x
sharcerv52408 Ziggy83
Hello Ziggy and welcome!
We are like a family that visits by chats, if you will. No one judges you or criticizes you. We are all here to listen and relate and sometimes offer suggestions. Finding this forum for me has been an answer to prayer. I didn't know what was going on with me at first until I started reading posts from other women. I have been a member of this forum for almost five years now and I am so grateful. Hope you find comfort and support like so many others here have. Take care! Hugs to you.
Ziggy83 sharcerv52408
Hi Shar and thank you x I feel the same as you regarding the forum, just reading what others have to say has actually made me feel better and less alone. I hadn't realised that the menopause caused so many symptoms but now I do I've relaxed a bit 🙂 I was worrying something terrible about all these different things going wrong with me x
Rainbow976 Ziggy83
Welcome, Ziggy. It amazes me how many of us there are yet Drs and public information are lacking.
I had a lot of the same symptoms as you, they come and go over the years it seems. How old are you?
I will be 43 in December and started all this around 5-7 years ago.
A few things that have helped me are Magnesium Glycinate and yoga. Magnesium Glycinate seems to help with anxiety, rapid heart rate and tension especially before bed if you have trouble sleeping.
Yoga, specifically Yin and Restorative classes have really helped me with all the mental and anxiety aspects of this horrific journey.
Ziggy83 Rainbow976
Hi Rainbow, I will be 53 this year. Up until quite recently I had a really good diet and was very active so I don't know if that has helped with any earlier symptoms or if I am just recently starting to go through this. Ive decided to get my diet back to being healthy, drink more water and get back to being active. I got some magnesium today but I'll have to check if it's the one you have mentioned. The anxiety is terrible at times isn't it? I might look into yoga as well. You are right about the lack of information I genuinely thought that the menopause was hot flushes and periods becoming erratic then stopping. If only it was that easy. Thank you for your advice x 😊 it's nice to be here x
jo67532 Ziggy83
I agree with you on being to cope the physical symptoms, it's the "mental" ones that keep me feeling gloomy and anxious. Im so glad I found this forum. The months before finding this were a mess. I worried until I was in a panic daily! Now I tell myself I'm normal and to just try to get through the funk!
sunaina1983 Ziggy83
Helloo Dear
Welcome to this forum..its blessing for me...soo many wonderful friends here to support u and give u advice.
At this stage of life in Peri no one understand us ( sometimes friends and family also become fed up of hearing ur not feeling good ) even Dr donot understand sometimes ..And the friends here r always ready to motivate us and help us.
Love You all
Thanks for ur support all members
Hang is there.
There is light on the other end of tunnel..tunnel is dark and lots of huddles but it has gate too.....soo be positive.
Have lots of water and good diet
2chr2015 Ziggy83
hi ziggy. yes, i will take the physical over the mental anyday. it is hard to believe how imbalanced hormones can cause anxiety and depression! but, i've heard a few women on here say that when they went on hrt it went away.. ((hugs))