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Hi everyone, after blood tests my GP has informed me that my ovaries have shut down and I'm now fully menopausal. I'm 46 and feeling dreadful and hope someone can give me some help and tell me if what I am experiencing is normal. My main symptoms are: severe lightheadedness, dizziness, strange (metallic) taste in mouth, blurred vision, feelings of being off balance, anxiety and generally feeling 'out of body', lack of concentration. The GP has suggested HRT but not for at least two weeks as my blood pressure is too high (has put me on meds for this) and needs it to stablise first. I've no reason to be depressed or anxious but I'm worried I'll never be 'me' again.

Many thanks, Debs

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40 Replies

  • Posted

    Your symptoms are awful but normal for peri/menopause. I had all of these and thought I was dying! I have been on hrt for 3 months and am feeling much better. Don't worry - you will be you again
  • Posted

    OMG deborah I feel exactly like you. I'm due to have my bloods done next week and will get my results second week in April so don't know what my ovaries are up to but i feel exactly every symptom you have described. I'm the opposite to you and have low blood pressure. I really don't want to go on HRT and will avoid it if i possibly can. Like you I worry I'll never be me again and the anxiety came from nowhere. I'm finding it hard at work as my concentration and blurred vision is disturbing me, i'm also off balance and when i have to stand for only a short while i feel i will fall forward, its just debilitating isn't it. I also seem to keep getting cold shivers I'v not experienced a hot flush as yet and hope never to get them cos i'v got enough to cope with. I take a magnesium and iron tablet which i hope helps me in some way. Poor you i really feel for you at 46. I think i started when i was 49, i'm now 51, it took a while to realise it was maybe perimenapause as i had to do my own research cos my doctor has no time for women in my experience. Its the hospital i will be going to in April cos I'm under a specialist for a Pituitary tumor which is connect ed with my hormones. I'm sure the other ladies on this forum will advise you with the HRT as they are a really good help and i find it a release and comforting to talk to others in the same situation. Believe me your not alone and we will hopefully get through this without going mad. Sending you a comforting hug x
  • Posted

    Dont worry any more than you probably are, you WILL get thro it but it may take a month or two to settle down which ever way you choose to manage it. It is THE worst thing i have ever been thro ( and not thro it yet! ). Read through all the posts on peri/menopause on this site and research research research on net as what is good for one may not be good for another. There are lots of herbal/natural remedies and your diet can effect it too IMO. For me the nausea and the anxiety were the worst symptoms I seriously thought I would be dead because of what was going on in my are not alone and I found great comfort knowing this...good luck!! xx
  • Posted

    sandra I'm with you all way on your advice to deborah. Like you it the worst thing i'v ever had to go through an i thought i was a strong women who would shrug this off no problem, how wrong i was when it took me over but i do read that we get through it and like you i find the anxiety and nausea one of the worse symptoms but the off balance is not good as i feel i will faint so don't go too far on my own. I relate to the dead and head bit to but this forum has made me realise this is what millions are going through and we'll have to get on with it the best way we can with some help of course. hugs x
  • Posted

    Thank you ladies for your kind replies, it has greatly helped knowing that these symptoms are normal

    during the menopause. I honestly thought the menopause was just hot sweats and dry skins. Knowing that other people have these symptoms has made me realise I'm not imagining them. I've bought myself some Menopace today and will give them a try. Thanks again, Debs x

  • Posted

    You are not alone feeling like this. Menopause is VILE with horrible, weird symptoms. Good luck with HRT. though hope it works for you. Wish I could take it
  • Posted

    Hi Yes I experience all this too but has anyone had reflux start which gives weird chest feeling across heart area. Can feel heart beating and sometimes feels like it misses a beat. The anxiety of it just makes me feel worse I think. Have avoided hrt so far but think I will have to try it just to try and feel right again. Anyone else feel like this?
  • Posted

    Hi Yes I experience all this too but has anyone had reflux start which gives weird chest feeling across heart area. Can feel heart beating and sometimes feels like it misses a beat. The anxiety of it just makes me feel worse I think. Have avoided hrt so far but think I will have to try it just to try and feel right again. Anyone else feel like this?
  • Posted

    Yes i had these symptoms. A good anti acid will help get rid ( feels like heart attack its so bad ) I gave up eating wheat, was so much better after 3 days, ive not had it since. Almost nausea free and no reflux. Im not anal about it- i do have the odd bit, about 95% free of wheat and i gave up caffine too which helps with the palpitations and headaches although if you give up cold turkey as I did-and had a lot off coffee before-u will get really bad headaches for about 2 weeks but then be ok. The menopol tabs sort out my feelings of dread and black cohosh for sweats...
  • Posted

    Hi me again lol well ladies sorry to hear your are all gogin through this but for me bit glad to hear not in a

    bad way means i am not gogin mad myself . everything went crashing down even got ocular migraine due to heavy periods last 8 months lack of b12 everything aching joints muscles you named it I have symptons

    ordered cream fronm wellbeing to help with hormone levels so hoping that helps take any thing at this stage thnking of ye all ladies

  • Posted

    Hey ladies I've been through alot myself!

    It's not fun I know. I've had low blood sugar dizziness, nausea, heavy chesty and groin pain bloated ness

    Migraine, shivers sweats, 😁you name it!

    But it's called menopause. I've just had a little return of a period this week after April 2012 that was the last one or so I thought! But the doctor is sending me for a ultra sound do I hope everything is okay. But I'm with you all. It's not very nice, either way. It's a pain when you got them and a pain when you haven't! No choice. Grin and bear it as they say. X

  • Posted

    So I get this weird blippy feeling in the middle of chest then need to burp the reflux isn't so bad it's the way it makes me feel very strange causes anxiety which then makes it worse. Do you think this is low oestrogen and would hrt help?
  • Posted

    So I get this weird blippy feeling in the middle of chest then need to burp the reflux isn't so bad it's the way it makes me feel very strange causes anxiety which then makes it worse. Do you think this is low oestrogen and would hrt help?
  • Posted

    Hello Elizabeth, Your the only post iv read that has low blood sugar like me, the doc sent me for a glucose tolerance test where you fast then drink a big glucose drink then they take your blood every hr for 6 hrs. my blood sugar level went down to 2.2 which they say i have reactive hypoglycemia and now have to eat something every 3 hrs, not good for me when i'm nausea's and not a good appetite. Also your the only one who has mentioned shivers, i get these a lot were i feel absolutely freezing from head to toe even my lips tingle, is it like this for you? I too suffer from dizziness and i get pressure in my eyes then i'll get a headache. I do hope your ultra sound goes ok, keep in touch and let us know. take care and sending you a comforting hug x
  • Posted

    Aw bless you. I've had low blood sugar all my life

    My you her sister has chronic diabetes since she was 7 now 44.

    Not nice. So that's nothing new to me. I've felt dizzy at times, but lately I've not been too bad.

    But strangely had a little show for two evenings, which did make me feel scared.

    I rang doctors next day, she is sending me for the ultra sound now. It's always something!

    I don't know what's worse! Waiting for your period or here we go again with complications!

    Life sure isn't easy getting older. But I'm pretty active still just 51 last month.

    Enjoy most things in my life still. I will let you know how things turn out.

    God bless xx😊🐥

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