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For the last 3 years I've been going through the menapause ...mood swings irregular periods...heavy periods...sore boobs. This year it stepped up a gear hot flushes became at least 10 a day....I'm trying not to go on hormones as I know it will just prolong. This month I have now missed 2 last being 6th July. ...all of a sudden my hot flushes have gone I have sire nipples again...I was nauseous but that's stopped now....yes I've done 4 pregnancy tests all negative as at one point panicking as at 49 I don't want any more children. Are these signs of the menapause. Forgot to mention my boobs are really heavy and lower tummy ache.

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8 Replies

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    hi iv been feeling nauseous off and on and have lower tummy pain, im also havi g a bleed on and off everyday but not constant usualy light red to salmon color more so if i have sex and if im straining.or like otherday when i had a smear that set it off to. last night i had ni night sweats but night befor i woke up several times and had to wipe myself down a bit. its not everyday

    im 46  im oposite to you in that my boobs have gone down a size not heavy and iv lost muscle tone , i get tierd real easy, my main problem thats worrying me is the bleeding on and off because i was so regular and now this its a bit of a scare you just dont know what to think and its made me panic. iv been having tests done and just waiting on a smear test result if alls ok then its just going to be the new me having to carry a pad around with me for ever just incase. the pain iv got in my lower tummy is starting to make me think maybe its a water infection but i dont have buring when i pee so i just dont know. i hate this menapouse i just dont know whats going on and what to expect next. im frightend to have sex now as it hurts and makes me bleed. plus so dry everything i use for that dosnt work.they should have clinics for menaporsal women to give advice and help so we not worrying and can ask questions have tests and stuff instead of back and forth to drs.

    • Posted

      Haven't had a period for two months now. No dryness either. Have been so tired though I honestly do not know what is happening with my body at all. It's all over the place.
    • Posted

      I have lost weight though too and don't know why but I do get bloated forgetful and fuzzy headed. All are symptoms apparently.
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      hi i get fuzzy head and dizzy wobbly feeling i actualy feel sometimes like i did in early pregnancy.

      teh tierdness just comes on for no reason i could have done nothing and get tierd from it.i feel like iv got a virus co i g on but never comes you know just feel a bit ill.

      i dont know how women cope into old age if this is what they have from there 40s onwards. i dont want to take hrt but i bet if i get much worse il be but im going to try not to start on it. the dryness is horrible my dr couldnt even do swobs at first i was so dry. it makes me sore. thing is a up untill a few months ago i was gushing down there geting to wet that was iritating now to dry. no libido i dont want to get old just yet its happening to fast and to sudden.

  • Posted

     Good morning Caroline, I have been experiencing the same problems the past year. I immediately put myself on flax which helped in three days and especially after two or three weeks. I took 1000 mg twice a day. 

     this helps to regulate hormones and give you your sanity back I noticed that helps to relax - it helps with mood swings also. 

     I did not want HRT.  I wanted natural supplements. Go on eBay there's a man who sell something called Hesperiden.   I took that for hot flashes. And have not had very many hot flashes since.  

     last year in October I was nauseous the entire month. But at this point I was not taking anything for my symptoms.  The flax helps that also. 

     I also felt like I could not get through my daily routine. 

     you can also take magnesium in addition to this and it is supposed to also help with Moodswings as a side benefit. And to balance hormones. 

    • Posted

      Interesting re hesperidin.  It is a bioflavinoid from citrus, usually in vit C supps.  Meant to be good for blood vessel conditions like varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and lymphedema in breast cancer.  No mention of hot flashes.

      Does that mean hot flushes are a blood vessel condition?  I guess it does involve blood vessels, causing heat.


  • Posted

    Yes ..sounds like menopause for sure..I'm 49 and going through the same & blood test on hormones from doc says menopause. So you can check with your doc if it would make you feel better.. but seems to be menopause.

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