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Does anyone know how I can stop this anxiety ? This constant nervousness and stomach is naseau , it's hard to eat. I'm constantly losing weight. My ears feel like they are clogged, my legs are constantly tingling. I try not to take the anxiety med but it is the only thing seem to calm everything. My GI dr said it is also coming from the gastritis stomach, but the med helps but cause an effect the next day. It pulls more energy and nutrients out of me. I can't take this no more!!
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lisa72030 mary27278
Hi Mary, I had this constantly for two months, everyday and night. It's horrible. I cut out sugar completely, even tea and anything else stimulating. Eating is hard from the nausea and anxiety and I was managing smoothies and soups, small but regulars mealtime, just grazing every 3/4 hours to keep up good nutrition. Reduce anything stressful. I pretty much didn't go out much either just stayed at home keeping things simple. I also do yoga. I've never taken meds before but a few nights needed a sleeping tablet, just a half as I am very sensitive, as I wasn't sleeping. I had a few nights in a row with absolutely no sleep which did not help the way I was feeling. I hadn't had a period since January but got one in May. I am feeling better now. The internal tremors and anxiety was crazy.
I hope it settle downs soon for you. You are not alone.
mary27278 lisa72030
Thank you Lisa ...the thing is I can't really eat much because of the gastritis stomach. I'm trying to put some of my weight on but it's hard because my diet is very restricted. I did take my PPI this morning for the gastritis which seem to calm my stomach some and the anxiety. I try not to depend on the med and was using natural alternative, but takes longer to work.
I agree that stress is a trigger. I am going to look into doing yoga or something to help my stress.
I'm taking my IUD out on Monday which I think could be making my symptons worse. Its good to know I'm not alone in this.
Mars777 mary27278
Hi Mary, are you menopausal ? I am post menopausal.I had the anxiety a good Few weeks bk it's awful ! Lost my appetite also lost weight like you, I do take HRT it is the only way for me not to have the anxiety. I have come to the decision it's about quality of life the nervousness is terrible aswell as the anxiety & also hot sweats !
mary27278 Mars777
I am going through peri. I'm still having my periods just not clockwise anymore. I have been in misery for over a month now. I think I am malnutrition which is making my symptons worse. Thank you to know that I am not alone. I have to keep telling myself that this too shall pass.
kathryn81522 mary27278
Hi...I have been going through this for 16 months. I'm hoping I'm near the end. Hormones made my anxiety much horse. I'm on Klonopin which I hate taking but it calms me down. Seems like there's no easy fix for this
Azzumi mary27278
Hi Mary, I suffered terrible mood problems, depression, nervous anxiety, anger, confusion etc and the only thing that helped me was bio identical hormones. Been on them for 5 months and I'm not perfect but I'm heaps better than what I was. Had them adjusted a few times and again this week so hopefully my doctor had nailed it this time. I always had a clean diet and managed to do my weight training but it still wasn't enough as my hormones were so out of balance they were sending me crazy. BHRT definately gave me my life back.
tmpearce Azzumi
I am seeing my gynecologist next week to talk about hormone therapy. I've been suffering for a few years now with gastritis and fatigue as my main symptoms. I do have night hot flashes as well but I can tolerate those. The gastritis and fatigue are so bad at times that my quality of life is being affected. I would like to try bio identical hormones because I've heard that the side effects are less. It seems that no matter how clean and healthy I eat I still suffer with the gastritis. I'm hoping she will start me on bio identical and that they help.
Azzumi tmpearce
I completely understand. I handled most of the other symptoms ok too. I'v had no sides effects from the bios and once my doctor gets them perfect I stay on them for life with yearly blood work and checkups. There's a lot of women on anti depressants and anxiety meds but from what I understand, if its caused by hormones then until they're balanced properly a lot of the problems won't go away. I really hope you get some relief with the bios and as you can probably tell I'm incredibly passionate about all this. It actually upsets me when I hear so many stories about women who just can't get help. Its definitely worth giving them a try. Goodluck and I'd love to hear how you go.
mary27278 Azzumi
Hi Azzumi..what kind of dr. Put you on BHRT? Was it your gynecologist? I am already the progesterone cream, but don't know it it's enough or right dosage. It seem to help before but symptons came back with a blast this time. I don't know if my dr. Is even into this although she did tell me to start doing the progesterone cream in which I was already doing it.
What exactly are you using?
mary27278 tmpearce
Hi dealing with gastritis, anxiety and fatigue also. I think the fatigue is a combination of the gastritis and hormones. I have lost weight with it, has it affected your weight? I don't like looking in the mirror anymore because it is very depressing to see how I've changed.
All these symptons came on the same time, so I know peri is to blame.
I am seeing my doctor on Monday, though I don't know how much she knows about BHRT, I will find out. I may have to see a Naturopathic dr.
Azzumi mary27278
My doctor is a gp who started treating hormones only about 20 years ago. His level of understanding is phenomenal. I have a troche under my tongue each morning made by a compound pharmacists containing estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. He's been monitoring me for about 5 months. I'v had three consultations to have the troche adjusted slightly each time. My problem is high estrogen so I'm also on an anti estrogen as well now to try and get it down more. You need to find a doctor who specializes in hormones. They need to be able use your blood work and your symptoms to treat you. Have you googled bio identical treatment in your area?
mary27278 Azzumi
Hi Azzumi..i did googled and found several dr.s who does BHRT, the only thing they don't seem to take health insurance. But they will do a free consultation, I will call them on Monday.
tmpearce mary27278
Hi Mary,
I also have anxiety with this and it's mostly health anxiety. Every time I get a new symptom I imagine the worst. I am a retired nurse and I think that makes it even know what they say...a little knowledge can be a bad thing. My gastritis is almost always present but does seem to get worse for about 7 days every couple of weeks and also during this time my fatigue is also really bad. I'm sure it's hormonal. I had a hysterectomy 1 1/2 years ago with ovaries left in so can't track my cycle. I feel like my ovaries really started to fail about 8 months ago.
I think that that when one set of hormones begins to fail our other hormones try to do the work and some of these are our adrenal hormones. When our adrenal glands become fatigued or stressed our bodies also become fatigued. Some women are more sensitive to changes in estrogen levels and since we have estrogen receptors in our digestive tract it makes sense that some have more issues with gastritis than others.
It is very frustrating. I've lost some weight because there are periods that I can barely eat and have no appetite, but I'm holding my own right now and am not yet underweight. I do feel like I've aged about 20 years in the last 6 months and just the thought of going on trips or even long walks exhausts me. Heck, some days I'm lucky if I can do a grocery store run!
I see my GI doc on Tuesday and my GYN on Thursday. She's a new gyn and I'm hoping she will do a complete hormone panel and that she's familiar with BHRT.
Good luck with your appointment on Monday and let me know how it goes. I hope you can get some results and relief. 🙂
tmpearce Azzumi
Hi Azzumi,
What area do you live in? I'm in the US, in Georgia and am having a hard time finding a doc who specializes in bio identical therapy. I'm hoping my new gyn doc is familiar with it or knows someone who is. From what I've read bio hormone therapy is the safer route to give in regards to negative effects.
tmpearce mary27278
mary27278 tmpearce
Yes I'm in Houston, Tx
Azzumi mary27278
tmpearce Azzumi
I'm in the US. I'm hoping my appointment Thursday gives me some answers. If not, I will have to look elsewhere. At this point the cost doesn't matter....I'll pay almost anything to feel better again!
Azzumi tmpearce
I feel the same way. Just means I don't spend money on other things cause this takes priority for me until I'm fixed. Getting our lives back is the most important thing.