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I was driving down the road this morning and started becoming disoriented. I began to have an ocular migraine. I made it home and the feeling went away after 20 minutes. I am left feeling like I can't make sense of what I am reading. I am scared. I also just got over the flu a week ago and have been fighting a colitis. I am weak and dehydrated, possibly anemic. Just about at the end of my rope. Has anyone had these symptoms? I am scared!
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Gypsy014 rebecca94858
Yes I get these monthly (very scary) I'm in bed now last night the attack happened lasted 2 hours from 830 pm to 1030 pm nausea almost vomiting weak and shaky like the flu with a piercing temple headache that doesn't let up until the attack is over., today I'm very headachy vision very blurry .. Last month when I had this I remember not being able to remember little things like where am I going and why it left me very confused , I slowly came out if the fog , but yeah these are not fun at all.. Try and relax and try hot or cold packs that go either way to help comfort and relax you and just take it easy and ride it out , it passes eventually.. My attack us over and I'm now in the hangover stage all day I'm going to feel terrible flu like.. Weak and shaky and nausea.. This is truly a nightmare... Hope you can feel better soon..
rebecca94858 Gypsy014
Thanks for replying. I am so tired and weak. I am trying to be strong, but it is not easy. I am scared of the ocular migraines. I don't have any pain with it, but it makes me feel frightened. I am supposed to work later today, so just praying I don't have any more. I hope you can get some relief too! Take care!
claire71812 rebecca94858
i have started having moments of disorientation, or sometimes de ja vu. i have spoken to my doctor and they dont seem worried. it can be an aura symptom of headache. im having daily headaches since july, with no apparent cause besides stress. i had peri migraines which have stopped. waiting to see neurologist, but already had ct scan lumber puncture , and tests for eye tumour .
rebecca94858 claire71812
Thanks for your reply. It scared me because I felt so weird afterwards. I am trying not to panic, but it is hard. I wish you well and hope you find answers to your questions. Take care.
staci88515 rebecca94858
I had my first migraine aura a little over a year ago at 43, I recently just had another one. I had never heard of an aura before, so when it happened, it terrified me. I have had vision issues and anxiety ever since. You are not alone. xo
rebecca94858 staci88515
I had 3 of them in July but none since. I was hoping they were gone for good. I guess not. It makes me sad.
I just had another one. Now I am really scared. Do you have more than one a day?
staci88515 rebecca94858
Rebecca, I am so sorry that I did not see you replied. I had three in October 2018 within days of each other. I didn't have another one until December 2019, so a bit over a year. I have never had more than one in a day, but I have read numerous posts on various forums about others who have had multiple in a day. There is a poster on here named Anne who I have spokento that has had one right after another. I fight them so frightening that I have an instant panic attack. You are not alone. xo
pinkcatfairy rebecca94858
Dear Rebecca
I never suffered from occular migraines before menopause, when I had my first one it was quite scary as i wondered what was happening! I went on to have them, sometimes as many as six a month. This was about two years ago, although i dont get them as much now, I still will get the odd one. Stress, tiredness, rose wine, caffeine, lights, seemed to be my triggers! Sometimes I wasn't sure what triggered them.
rebecca94858 pinkcatfairy
I have had one just about every day this week! I spoke with my cousin who is also going through perimenopause. She said she has had hundreds of them. Her main triggers are also lights, stress, and anxious situations. I don't know why this has hit me out of the blue. I have never really had headaches before. It is very strange! Hope you are feeling better!
staci88515 pinkcatfairy
Hi pinkcatfairy!
It has been a while since we last spoke. I was thinking of you the other day because I had another migraine aura after not having one for over a year. Since then, my eyes have been so incredibly dry. I know you mentioned that you thought dryness could be a contributing factor. I am glad to hear you are having fewer episodes!
pinkcatfairy staci88515
Hello Staci, yes the dry eyes dont help im sure! I have some eye drops and put warm compresses on them which seems to help and this time of year (England) the central heating adds to dry eyes. Yes so far, they are fewer and also the health anxiety subsides the more i am post menopause so that helps too xx
pinkcatfairy rebecca94858
Hello yes, me too, before menopause I had never experienced anything like them! I find that once you have one, you might get a few after and a couple of times i have had two in one day! I used to worry why and how they happened but when i realised it is quite common in peri /meno I tried not to worry so much, I didn't and dont even now get a full migraine, sometimes i might get overhead eye pain or just a dull forehead ache!