Help and advice needed please!

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Hi,  I'm 50 yrs old and been on a low dose HRT for 3 years to try and control my sweats but unfortunately it didn't work!  I stayed on the HRT anyway as it seemed to help my moods and I actually came of anti-depressants and haven't been on them since using the HRT.

I've just had an HRT review and my doctor suggest I come off it altogether as she was reluctant to give me another HRT (which doesn't give a bleed each month) due to strokes running in my family.  I'm going to wean myself off but I'm really concerned my sweats will be worse than ever.  It so bad it runs down my face/head/neck and it's so embarrasing.  I've also got mood swings, teary, joint pain in my wrists and back and feet etc.  I just don't feel myself at all sad

On the plus side I've put myself on Cod Liver Oil tablets and a multivitamen  plus I've also been advised to take a herbal medication - Starflower oil.  Has anyone had any positive results from taking vitamins and/or herbal medication?

Any advice would be appreciated.


P.S. I noticed from some posts here that people are taking B vitamins, I assume I will be taking the same B vitamins with my multivitamins??

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi elaine

    yes i have had good results on supplements with a natural menopause 

    done 12 years research and had a 10 yeats peri .. Now post meno age 50.

    i take several .. 

    B6 being the best one ( 100mg)  i actually take 150mg daily 

    i take many others and Vit E 400iu daily 

    Menapol Plus x 2 daily aswell

    etc etc etc 

    jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay,

      Thanks for your reply.  So hopefully I should see some results soon?  I've not long started the vitamins and herbal medication.

      Must admit I'm a bit worried about coming off the HRT. I don't know if my periods would have stopped and I'm dreading them getting longer and heavier sad  At the moment on the HRT it's just 3 days and quite light.  I guess I can always start the HRT again if I can't cope with all the perimenopausal symptoms??

      Thanks again for your advice.

      Elaine x

    • Posted

      Hi elaine 

      is the doctor letting you wean off hrt .. Or just stop it ..

      good luck hun

      jay xx

    • Posted

      I've had different advice!!??  One doctor said cos I'm on a low dose I could just stop it.  The doctor I saw yesterday said I should wean off gradually reducing by one tablet a week!!

      Not sure what I'm doing really.  Don't think the doctor's know either!!

      Elaine x

    • Posted

      Hi Elaine 

      i think if it was me i would wean off ..  

      Hope it goes well 

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Yes I think I will do that.  But just reducing by one tablet a week I will be at it forever!!

      Will give it a go.  Thanks again for your help.

      E. xx

    • Posted

      With any medication it is best to wean off it. For HRT and certain other medications this is the recommended path as they are replacing mor enhancing natural production of certain things so the body has to get used to this no longer being done. The best way is gradually as it gives the body time to adjust.

      What they probably did not tell you is that HRT in the UK is not generally prescribed after 52 as most women are menopausal by then. Consequentially your age is a good one to start coming off.

  • Posted

    Hi Elaine I do herbal and natural so far I've not found anything to stop the hot flushes mine also run down my face and back very off putting and embarrassing . Dong quai is meant to be good but I have had some success with acupuncture the hot sweats have reduced during the day to warm glows and only a couple of mega hot and just hit ones at night is a huge improvement. Hope this helps. 

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