Help, back to back panic and anxiety attacks
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Hi ladies, well here I am again looking for reassurance I just feel I can't take much more of these symptoms
If you've been reading my posts you'll know that during this hormone imbalance/peri I've been suffering from problems with my balance, feeling faint, woozy...
I always sleep on my left side or turn on to my back lately, for some reason I've got it into my head if I lay on my right side I'll get dizzy
Well this morning I lay on my right side for 5 mins. I don't know if I've brought dizziness on with focussing on it and panicking but my whole day up until now has been wasted, crying and panicking, nausea now headache
I'm sick of feeling like this and also my reaction to symptoms, I've developed terrible fear, it's making me feel really down and in despair, it's affecting my relationship with my family
Can any ladies offer me any reassurance
Thanks for listening
Brenda x
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amanda10339 brendababy
im so sorry to hear what your going through, I can definately relate!
You need some assistance now, are you taking any hormones?
Regardless if your taking anything or not please go to your doctor and calmly tell them your desperate and believe it's menopause related.
if they are no help change your doctor. I know this sounds like effort during this exhausting time but it will be worth it.
unfortunately we are all just having to find our own solutions, it is a tragic state of affairs and completely infuriates me, but be confident there is help out there.
right now you could try meditating, there are lots of apps that are useful. Anxiety is a bit of a vicious cycle and sometimes we just need something to break that cycle.
please don't despair, know that your not alone and nothing lasts forever.
virtual hug
brendababy amanda10339
I've been on various HRTs that never worked out because of side effects, now my GP has prescribed tibolone which I've been taking now for 20 days
I was suffering from severe stress just before peri and have had a terrible time since last year losing my mum as well in January
I've developed a fear of this off balance and it's causing so much anxiety, in fact I'm scared of everything, side effects of tablets, loud noises etc. It's affecting my relationship with my husband as I'm too scared to let him near me
I need to get some control back, I'll need to stop focusing on symptoms which is also depressing me
Thanks again Amanda for listening
Hugs xx
jamie50513 brendababy
I'm so sorry that you are having a rough day. I've been there and still have days of it. Unfortunately at a time when our hormones are all over the place it causes those horrible symtpoms. One things for certain, if it was from a disease it would not come and go. So trust it's hormones and unfortunately tinnitus, vertigo, and dizzy spells are all common peri/meno symtpoms as well as the anxiety. I can't suggest anything for you take, but I can give you some words of encouragement. I was so messed up mentally behind this, that I was scared for myself. I felt all over the place and no one could seem to help me or tell me what was going on. I finally had to accept that this "change" is going to happen wether I want it to or not. I can't take anything yet due to docs not listening and my hypertension. So I had to decide that I can't live like this, i've had to resign from my job, i've become an introvert, I'm sure my relationship is over because I can't deal with my partner, my family is worried I'm going off the deep end, and at times I don't know if I'm coming or going. But at this time I need to take care of me so I can be good for my family and kids who need me. So I decided to go with it, if my body is tired, I lye down, if I feel like crying, I cry, if I feel rage, I find something to break, when I'm anxious, I try to deep breathe and find something else to focus on, when im down or sad i come here to vent or just read to know I'm not alone. I listen to my body and deal with the symtpoms as they arise. I seem to know more about what's going on with me than docs do. If you take any supplements or meds for your symtpoms by all means take them. Don't suffer when you don't have to. You will get through it and will be just fine. Just remember to take care of you and we are here for each other. ((Hugs))
michelle50768 jamie50513
I pray all you ladies come out the other side of peri stronger and happier than ever.
Everything you have said os me for the past eight years of peri.
Im currently five months with no period so have no idea wether im coming or going.
Stay strong we will get through this together x
jamie50513 michelle50768
brendababy jamie50513
It's good to hear that you've taken an attitude that suits you that should temper the anxiety but I do hope your relationship with your husband survives if that's what you want for the future. My husband is really fed up with it all I feel sad for him having to go through all of this with me
Unfortunately the imbalance woozy sensation dosnt come and go for me. It's there every day as soon as I get up from bed some days I can cope with it better than others
I hope you get a break soon and it was lovely hearing from you
Take care and a hug from me xx
jamie50513 brendababy
CCinCal brendababy
brendababy CCinCal
I hope the docs in u.s are more pro-active when it comes to hormone imbalances than they are here
I hope you can make your appointments and get some answers
It's weird these symptoms you and I have, my G.P is insisting it's not related to meno and pig everything down to anxiety
Let me know how you get on, it's good to hear from you X
brendababy jamie50513
Wishing you good times ahead
Brenda x
CCinCal brendababy
Wow Scotland. Ive always wanted to go there. I've seen photos only beautiful place.
brendababy CCinCal
Dr's here are pretty much the same handing out the AD to get you out of their office
Let me know if you make it to your appointment and how you get on. I might go private and make an appointment with an endocrinologist find out if their expertise can help me
Speak to you soon
Brenda x
CCinCal brendababy
brendababy CCinCal
They will only recognise the typical symptoms which you mentioned, well why are lots of us ladies in peri suffering from all of these weird symptoms?
You must be feeling so frustrated ccincal, keep going and hopefully between us we'll find out what's going on with us
Try and enjoy the rest of your day in sunny California xx😎
debbie75601 CCinCal
CCinCal debbie75601
Just don't know what to do, where to turn to while daily I feel lousy. I really thought I would be able to get some help from endo. At my wits end.
TropicalVon69 jamie50513