Help....cant deal with these symptoms!
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Hi ladies,
Where do i start? 4 years ago i started HRT and felt great on it. Then i had a scan and found i have fibroids so was advised to come off. Ive been HRT free now for a year. I didnt really notice any problems until a few months ago.
Ive always had regular periods but twice now ive started on my 21st day instead of my usual 28/30 days. My most recent period was painful like contractions although the blood is thinner and watery now. The fatigue is horrendous. I couldnt cope and was actually off work and in bed i felt so bad. Long story short.....i went to the doctor who repeated my bloods which again came back as "normal"!. I know my body and im far from normal at the moment. My doctor said i could go back on HRT to help my symptons but i didnt want to as i would need a HRT which would give me a bleed each month. I want to continue natuarally and see when my periods stop.
Has anyone else experienced the painful periods im having and terrible fatigue. I just cant cope like this each month. But i cant stay off work all the time. Any help or advice would be much appreciated. Also suffering with mood swings and bad bloating. Help!!
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Kadija1966 elle127
i am bloated too, lots of gas, tired, feel run down, periods are closer and shorter, I don't take HRT, I'm just letting nature take it's course and see how I go, some days I feel like staying in bed all day, on other days I am full of energy, weird symptoms but I Just take it as it comes, I was lost too before I joined this forum, now I'm more confident and understand what is happening to me, I've read a lot on this blog and it's been sooooo helpful.
elle127 Kadija1966
Do you work? I am or was in so much pain i just couldnt function. Ive never had painful periods before now. As for the bloating it feels like ive a pair of legs inside my belly just pushing my belly out. Bit like when i was expecting my son! No im definitely not pregnant!!
Im suffering with insomnia too, pee a lot more especially when im due a period. Dont know what i can take to help all these symptoms? I can see my going back on HRT.
jamie50513 elle127
I hope you find some relief soon. I am much like Kadija, I have days where I feel horrible and my last menses was unbearable. It felt like someone was twisting my uterus with their bare hands. Then other days I feel fine. I have weird sensations but I deal with it as it comes. My doc won't give me HRT so I'm not taking anything besides my regular scripted meds. It's tough, but if you feel you need to go back on HRT then give it a go. Only you know how much you can handle.
unico31026 elle127
elle127 unico31026
unico31026 elle127
nancy0925 elle127
Have you had your iron level checked? My iron is low because of my heavy bleeds and it makes me tired. I am taking iron and vitamin supplements but still suffer from fatigue. I'm 53 and just trying to go through naturally but getting impatient lol.
unico31026 elle127
Kadija1966 elle127
i do work but it's not made a big impact on my job as my boss understands what I'm going thru.
I also take herbal infusions, I go for swim as I live on a tropical island, I do meditations, spend time In nature, I eat mainly organic fruits, it's help me a lot...and most of all I've tried not to think about my symptoms, when it's worse I try to sleep it off.
karen71465 Kadija1966