help, i feel like im losing it i cant take itaanymore
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I was taking sertraline for about 18 days, i decided to stop taking it last friday. I have been feeling lost. High anxiety, emotionless. Confused. Suicidal. I am in a relationship and everything has been going perfect but i recently have no feelings towards her. It has been making me question my sexuality altho i i kno im not gay because i have never felt that way towards a guy my anxiety and my thoughts are making me feel that way and making me constantly think that i am so it makes me get rwally bbad panic attacks. I have no sexual urge for anything. Before i sstarted taking these pills i was extremely in love and couldnt resist touching my girlfriend. She was soo sexy to me and now i dont even care. I have been even more depressed and i get no feelings besides anxiety. I get hot sweats and sometimes the chills. I had to call off work today bbecuz my anxiety took over. I feel like this is never going to end that this is permanent. I am seeing my doctor tom. Any advice or similar experiences? I need some hope becuz im going insane.
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kacii41 bad420
Just know you are not alone and coming off sertraline sucks but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you can make it! Someone told me to drink soy milk, excercise a larger amount than usual, and to to get lots of sleep while coming off of it--weirdly enough they all seem to be working somewhat.
Good luck and don't give up on yourself!
bad420 kacii41
scott8888 bad420
bad420 scott8888
scott8888 bad420
gingemac1977 bad420
sounds like you are really struggling. i know it's a bit late telling you now but you really should never just stop taking your medication, that's probably why you are suffering and feeling so confused about things. you're doctor will help you tomorrow, try not to worry. have you explained how you feel to your girlfriend??? she needs to know that you still love her even though you may not feel that way at the moment, if you've always had a loving relationship with her and then it switches to you not being interested, she will think that you're not interested. talk to her, us girls are very understanding and i'm sure she will give you her full support. your sex drive will drop or go completely for a short time whilst your on the medication, that's fairly normal and quite common with AD's. as for the feelings of your sexuality, i'm not sure about that one, could it just be confusion because you are so used to being in a happy sexual relationship with your GF and now because of the way you're feeling after stopping your meds it's confused your brain maybe?? i really don't know. the best advice i can give you is to talk to your GF about how your feeling and reassure her that it's going to be okay, and it will be ok, your feelings just don't change for someone because your depressed, it can play many tricks with your mind. depression messes with your head and makes you lose interest in everything, sex, going out, talking to anyone, being around people in general, going to the shops, every day tasks that you wouldn't normally bat an eyelid at. it's not unusual to lose interest in things, but it's not fair if you don't tell her what's going on, she's probably thinking she's done something wrong or you are going off her, just try and explain whats in your head and what's making you anxious, if she's any kind of girlfriend she'll understand and support you through this difficult time, i hope you are okay and this has helped you even if only a small amount, take care and keep posting :-)
bad420 gingemac1977
gingemac1977 bad420
bad420 gingemac1977
gingemac1977 bad420
maureen75524 bad420
I have a friend who has been on them for depression for 20 years. They wokred for her!
bad420 maureen75524