Help i feel like something is severly wrong with me
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I have been having a rough 2 weeks yesterday being the end of my period. Today i woke up feeling ok better than yesterday. I went outside for some air and when i got in i felt a strange feeling come over me. My legs and arms became weak than i had a bit of anxiety. I felt somewhat disconnected from reality. I have a bit of lower back pain, head presure but the shakiness won't go away. I am so scared thinking all sorts of bad illnesses. Also i have been smelling a gas smoky smell that is not there. I heard some woman get in when going through. i made an appointment to see my doctor again. She must be so tired of seeking me. The same old process having all results to come back ok. What do us women do. I feel so alone in this battle. Help please
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HopefulTrina hopeforever
Other then the gas/smoke smell.. I CURRENTLY feel just like your post. This the fifth day since my period ended and I don't know if it's hormones or not. While sitting at my desk yesterday a "strange " sensation came over me. Good thing I work in a doctor's office, so I was able to get an ekg that was normal. However the nervous, jittery, just out of sorts feeling keeps coming and going. I saw my PCP this morning and she ordered labs, didn't seem to concerned
My hands are sweaty also, it's so scary..
I hope that you and I feel better soon.
hopeforever HopefulTrina
Latrina its a strange feeling that i can't even explain. I never felt it before. Has me worried. But i guess this all has to do with hormones. Wishing you a great day. Hugs
lisa68384 hopeforever
it's called derealization and tags along with the anxiety in perimenopause 😦
Scooby65 hopeforever
all I can say is Hell pure hell
hopeforever Scooby65
Pure hell is a understatement. I never in a million years thought this would happen to me. I feel like something came in a stole my life. Hugs to you
lisa68384 hopeforever
hello. that disconnected feeling is called derealization and especially tags along with the anxiety during peri. I have had it along with all of your symptoms. I got some relief from it using progesterone cream. my progesterone was low as many people in early peri which creates an estrogen dominance. and the estrogen dominance is notorious for giving us anxiety and derealization. and also learning not to react to the derealization. is huge. it's scary and this junk is horrendous. here's a big HUG! you are not alone.
maddysmom2015 hopeforever
I think Lisa is right. I have terrible anxiety and, more often than I would like, go into a depersonalization and disassociative state. I wonder if for you, since this was 14 days after your period, it is related to ovulation or something mid-cycle? Or just work/life stress trying to hold it all together during peri!
Eliaimee1970 hopeforever
i think it is ansiety . my period is schedule to come in 6 days and yesterday and today i have been feeling jittery, heart beating fast and i have a new sympton my feet and upper legs feel soar/tingly wiggly. it is crazy im sick of this crap.