Help! Just wondering if my estrogen is still low.

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I'm on Evorel 50 patches and 14 days a month of progesterone tablets. I'm wondering if the patch is not high enough for me.

The symptoms I am getting this last 10 days are:


Severe crippling head pressure everyday

Heartbeat seems faster and a frightening feeling in heart

When I do try to rest,my arm or body will jerk. It's a horrible frightening feeling.

Not sleeping

Anxiety and panic about going somewhere that is planned

Distant from my husband which I hate.

Not enjoying life!

Has anyone used a bit more than the Evorel 50 patch (like cut a bit off another patch and add to it)

Any answers welcome

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle I'm on Prepak C HRT and it help s little bit not much it's a low dose not that I want to be on this just trying it I guess I had that jerking in my leg I pay it no mine and like you if I have to go anywhere panic when I get there we have to hang on in there .
  • Posted

    I feel for you! I haven't graduated to any estorgen HRT yet, but maybe you want to get a hormone blood panel done with your doctor on the 21st day of your cycle to see if it's out of balance. The head pressure is terrible. From what I've read it's all part of this "change of life" yuck. Try cutting out all caffeine, eat clean food and drink a ton of water with exercise. That might help! ;-)
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle. There is a prscription estrogen gel i get from my gp called estrogel . one dose is one measured pump, 2doses = 2 pumps & so on. my hrt regimen at present is 1 pump estrogen gel nightly before bed, & 2 micronised progesterone tablets (200mg total) days 15-26 of my 28 day cycle. 2mths in I'm getting on ok with this. its best to use the lowest amount of hrt that helps your symptoms enough to get on with life, as then you have higher doses you can go up to in future if symptoms worsen (my gp said) which makes sense. The beauty of this gel is if my symptoms start to worsen in future i am easily able to increase my dose of oestrogen with the gel by going upto 2 pumps nightly (of course only with my doc's agreement) so it's a more flexible way of having hrt as opposed to patches. if you still have your uterus, you MUST take the progesterone as well, to oppose the oestrogen in a protective way for your body (my gp told me this too.) hope this helps xx
  • Posted

    btw Michelle , the estrogen gel -you just smooth over your upper inner-mid thighs & leave to dry for 4 to 5 mins before putting clothes back on, or on your upper mid to outer arms. you must not get it near genital area or breasts. i put mine on my thighs & walk around in my nickers & tshirt while i make my hubbys packed lunch last thing at night while it dries, then put my pj's on!!! i dont put it on my arms as i have body lotion on every day so that would hinder its absorption. xx
    • Posted

      Thankyou. Does the gel work right away? The patches took a few weeks. However now I am getting horrid symptoms back so I wondered if I can add a bit of another patch to my leg. I am taking the progesterone tablets like you.
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle. I found improvement started between 2-3wks of starting the gel (I did not start the progesterone until day 15). In particular the mental problems improved(which were the worst symptoms for me): the random tears, the panic attacks, the brain fog, the anxiety & erratic low mood, & my sleep. Also the intense all day headaches i regularly got 4 or times a week minimum have virtually disappeared now to hardly any at all. I am certainly not 100%, but alot better now than 2mths ago when i started the hrt (on 1/4/16). the hrt has also put a stop (so far) to all the irregular bleeding i have been having for the last 18mths - 2yrs. I have only recently started peri in the last 4mths approx(poss longer) so am going to continue on this dose for now, as despite other stressful issues with health problems & being off work at present, I feel much stronger & able to deal with life & problems mentally now I am on the hrt. I actually said to my doc the other day if I wasn't on this hrt I think I'd be all over the place mentally right now! I feel much more even-keeled. If I continue to be ok on this dose then I still have leeway to increase dose in the future if symptoms worsen as i get older (I am 45). I wouldnt try adding more patches without talking to your doc 1st - you dont want to overdose with hormones or make the balance even worse! I would check 1st - I take it your patches are just estrogen as you take separate progesterone tablets?? Also as i said before always take your progesterone as prescribed - its very important not to take estrogen on its own as it can give a slight increased risk of certain cancers if not opposed with progesterone. (dont be scared by this, I'm just trying to stress the importance of taking both hormones if you still have your uterus as I was told by my gp). Michelle, I had terrible outbursts of tears & anxiety & anger at work, & nearly even got suspended one day for "losing it" with a manager before the hrt - just wasn't me at all. So the hrt regimen i am on has helped bring back more of the "normal" me - happy, helpful, patient,reasonable & friendly. Before the hrt, some days even just my eyes looked like they were trying to tell everyone I came into contact with to f**k off! Do you know what I mean - just the look in your eyes when you wake up some days?! Also, women are at all different stages of peri or menopause; one woman can easily have more dramatic hormone deficiencies than another woman of the same age, so definately a possibility you might need more estrogen, if you have given it a couple of months & still feel crap, I would definately talk to your doc about perhaps increasing the estrogen or perhaps trying the gel. Hope this helps. Ask away or just vent if you need to. xxx

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