Help me understand what is going on please

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Hi Everyone, I am post menopaue (no period for 5 years) in the last couple of weeks I have noticed a very slight amount of pink blood on the tissue paper after going for a wee and wiping. Has this happened to anyone else here after so long in menopause...obviously I will be visiting the Dr, but I suffer with really bad health anxiety. Any support would be appreciated


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17 Replies

  • Posted

    I went two years no bleeding started spotting then two more bleeds went doctors had tests at hospital everything fine , buy during this time I did speak to women and this is more common than we think even after 6 years but please ring doctors and chin up xxxxx
    • Posted

      Hi Deborah, Thank you for your reply, it helps to know it's not only me...It is going to be hard to get this sorted with the health anxiety...especially worrying about possible cancer. Your support is appreciated


    • Posted

      Please don't leave it to long ask a friend to go with you for surport if you need to please try not to worry easyier said I no xx

  • Posted

    Hi I have been without periods for 15 years, I had a small bleed in February went to dr, had a smear which was ok, I went to see a specialist nurse and had as scan, and a biopsy scan showed thickening of the lining, and pre cancerous cells, I was treated with progesterone tablets which made me bleed continuously for six weeks, horrendous, I had another biopsy cells have changed a lot, so I have to a hysterectomy soon, so all I can say is please go and checked it out, better safe than sorry 
    • Posted

      Thank you Marilyn, I am sorry for what you are going through...and you are right, better safe than sorry. Thank you so much for your response
  • Posted

    Hi ive recently had same sort of sdigns after 2 years of no periods was extremely worried but lovely people on here have been supportive. i had several cancer scares in past and being on own i tend to dwerll but have made gp app. its more than likely nothing im hoping mine is down to losing over a stone in weight and nothing serious. im sure you will be fine chin up and see doctor just to put mind at rest x


    • Posted

      Hi Julie, Thank you for your sorry to hear you having the same trouble...I also had to go to the breast clinic a couple of months ago with breast pain...this last 8 months have been a nightmare with one health scare after sick of it all. Thank you for your support
  • Posted

    Hi ive recently had same sort of signs after 2 years of no periods was extremely worried but lovely people on here have been supportive. i had several cancer scares in past and being on own i tend to dwerll but have made gp app. its more than likely nothing im hoping mine is down to losing over a stone in weight and nothing serious. im sure you will be fine chin up and see doctor just to put mind at rest x

  • Posted

    I sympathise with you please make an appointment don't leave anything to chance this forum is brilliant the ladies on here are all so informative and we all have been going through are own personal problems including me I'm waiting results myself and also stressed I believe talking bout your symptoms and fears with others really helps I wish you all the very best and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻for all us ladies xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Kerry, Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate the support. Sorry to hear you are going through this too...I have to sort this I know, it is difficult though
    • Posted

      It really is hard but I'm realising now if I never went and I left it to chance I would always be worrying about every bleed every pain so please find the strength xx I will be thinking of you 🙏🏻bless you xx

    • Posted

      Thank you Kerry...I am actually on holiday next week (could you believe it) not going to be the relaxing holiday I hoped for with the worry of this, will get the ball rolling before I go though. Hugs to you
    • Posted

      Go and relax on your holiday then come back refreshed in a good mind space then you can focus big hugs have brilliant time 👙?😊

    • Posted

      Hi Kerry, Thank you for your message...will have to visit GP after the holiday, cannot get time off work as covering for has not happened again since last week but still intend to get checked out. will keep you informed. Have you heard anything about your results yet??
    • Posted

      Hi Hun make sure you do xx nothing yet I have a ultrasound next Wednesday fingers crossed I have a good result xx have a great holiday God bless take care xxxx

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