Help peri menopause no idea where to start!
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Hi. I'm still being told by the DR I'm too young. Im 33 my nan had full menopause 35, mother 42, aunty 37.
I'm sure I'm peri ? Started with weird head and panic attacks with no particular trigger, anxiety, health anxiety, I did previously suffer from hot flashes when drinking alcohol (no sweats) but they have stopped but I do get hot chest upwards if I have a panic attack. My worst symptoms are I feel like I'm going to faint allot (finding this hard) and headaches DAILY. I did have the contraceptive implant (just removed) so I have no idea what my periods are doing as the implant stopped them (terrified they won't come bsck) since removal I've been tearful every day, some period type pain no period as yet, severe dizzyness, faint and bad headaches with sharp stabbing pains in my head mainly left then other times a quick tingling shock feeling that spreads down my body , my head feels wierd like it may stop working or like something's about to happen to me, I have so much anxiety from these head pains sensations i feel like my face goes numb I don't know what to do .. I have an appointment with nuerologist but they are so severe every day! I also feel sometimes when I'm falling asleep like my chest is falling inwards.. My eyes get sore from headaches too and my eyelids seem ted/brown def discolored & I have red skin on my forehead and either side of my nose just appeared. I feel ill like nauseous but really bad like I feel like I should be in hospital! I also get pain / discomfort in abdomin top right under ribs scans show nothing I thought poss my liver but they say all ok. Skins quite spotty too on chest & bsck. My hair falling out quite a bit too & coming back grey.
Can anyone help me she'd light on these symptoms does it sound like peri? Blood tests normal and I tried a hormone per stick also normal DR says anxiety but I just don't know I feel soooo ill, never ever felt so ill and it's ruining my life .. I have no idea what to do next .. How to diagnose.. I'm sensative to meds so not taking the many anti Ds I've been prescribed ..
Help I'm trying to get on day to day and stRting my dream job soon but I'm in tests every day with this head sensations / pain and generally feeling very very I'll
1 like, 16 replies
sue976 nixnix
i will say I went to be hypnotised last week because I couldn't stand it any more and I after say I feel the best I have felt in a year and half, it was my last resort, but it as worked for me, I would advice to go to a recommended one. I wish you all the best and sending a big hug
sue xx
susan21149 nixnix
I myself think you are way to young to be in Peri menopause at 33 but it could happen at any age. It could have been that contraceptive inplant that you had that could have caused your periods to stop and with the hormones it could have given you anxieties.
It could have made you sick with these hormones it can cause headaches anxieties even with the antidepressent you said you have been on those have a tendacy of stopping your period too.
I myself have been on so many antidepresents and antipsychotic medications for my anxieties that it does mess up a womens cycle. I also have low thyroid.
You should check to see how your thyroid is doing because that can make a period stop your tghyroid may be low read up on hypothyroidism because with my thyroid there are times I have anxieties and I'm tired worn out and just not feeling all that great myself.
Next time you see your doctor have him check your thyroid to see if it is on the low side.
Try to hang in there and here is a smile for you
things well get better
lealea47 nixnix
lealea47 nixnix
nicky83451 nixnix
mel64317 nixnix
The first thing is you are not alone just like the other ladies have said all the advice.
There seems to be ALOT going on here, so maybe multi layered ? Firstly, if you have a large history of early menopause, then I've heard it's very likely to be your problem
eventually too.? ...find a doctor that's prepared to listen to you.....your symptoms sound like Peri to me....
You also have had a hormone inplant removed.....this may be a lot to do with what your suffering as your body gets used to not having it...hormone "shock"..... again that wants discussing with hopefully a medical person more sympathetic to you....
Then the overall depression could be a combination of all of those things ? And hardly surprising. .? You can't get on with your day to day life.....
poor you, have a big hug...and keep on at those doctors till they listen,
good luck.x
coralie74759 nixnix
nixnix coralie74759
susan21149 nixnix
You should get this checked out because at 33 you should not feel this sick.
You should have your thyroid checked, your iron checked it also could be the antidepressent that you have been taking plus the contraceptive inplant that was giving you all the hormones.
nixnix susan21149
ruth24048 nixnix
ruth24048 nixnix
buddah_girl nixnix
nixnix buddah_girl
deirdre01438 nixnix
Hi Nixnix,
I'm hoping you are doing better than when you originally started this discussion. I'm wondering if you found anything to help? Was it Peri? I'm asking for because I had many symptoms after coming off birth control and I too feel I am in peri since 33. Any info would be greatly appreciated as to the outcome of your situation.
Thank you. Dee