HELP want to know if anyone else feels what I do

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49 years old waiting on blood test results to see if I am in actually "changes" which I think i am because period has been off for quite some time and I feel like I am loosing my mind and can't hold anything together every little thing I feel I convince myself that it is terminal. I would like to know if anyone's face, looks have changed.  I look in the mirror and I don't know who is looking back at me.  Also, anyone have symptoms of IBS even tho you have never had anythig like this in their life until perimenopause.  I feel like this IBS has taken over and I am so depressed because i have never had problems with my stomach before.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi E1024 let me start by saying you are not alone sorry to here that you are going through this horrible journey i as you been having stomach issues and with that a long list of symptoms from dizziness brain fog fatigue tight chest shortness of breath sore boobs ichy nipples cramps mood swings hot flashes chills and a hold lot of others symptoms i can go on and on there's time i don't want to get out of bed i also get anxiety attack and a sence of dread i can be happy one minute and crying the next and this has been going on for 2 years on and off it's just stressful I've been drinking organic ginger tea chamomile herb tea and also green tea and it has helped with my stomach hang in there i no it's not easy but with God's help we'll get through this hope everything gets better hugs god bless!!!!

    • Posted

      Thanks, it's helps me to hear that someone else feel these things. I know my fear makes everything worse. I'm so afraid I am never going to get "me" back . I cry just thinking abt it and how I dont want any of this to effect my kids.  I pray that I get some peace and joy back in my life.  One more question did u have trouble sleeping too? Thanks again

  • Posted

    Hi E1024, my face has gone through some changes also. My skin is drier, I am noticing some lines across the forehead and creases on outer corners of my eyes. Also my skin does not seem to have that rested look, after waking up in the morning.

    I went through a period of gastric issues before. I had lost my appetite, loss about 30 pounds within for months. It scared me to death, I thought I had some dreaded disease. My stomach is back to normal now, gained back 10 pounds. I haven't had a cycle for 9 months now.

    Hang in there, this is a long ride. You are not alone.

  • Posted

    Hi E1024,

    I was just saying to someone else on the forum that I now look like a combination of Slash from Guns 'n' Roses and my grandmother. The change seemed like it was over night. I do not know the jowly, hard-living man who stares back at me. 

    The health anxiety you talk about, feeling like everything is terminal, is very common. The changes of peri make the body feel like an older, stranger's body, not the one we are used to living in. 

    And, since IBS can cause pretty consistent symptoms, you may feel like you can't get away from the anxiety. Have you noticed the IBS worse with foods like milk or eggs? I developed food allergies in my mid-40's related to peri and gave me wicked stomach symptoms. (Who develops food allergies as an adult? Me.) I can't have gluten, mango, eggs, milk, onions, a whole host of things.  As long as I avoid them, my stomach feels pretty good. A very kind woman on this forum recommended I look up histamin and estrogen connection and they are clearly related. 

    And, in the interest of full disclosure, since I worship at the church of the probiotic, I always recommend those! biggrin 

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