Help with treatments
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I am 47 and suffering with hot and cold flushes, not being able to sleep. and depression/anxiety. I recently had a op but still have my uterus. I have had irregular bleeding/light bleeding/spotting for the last 3 years or so. i have an slightly enlarged uterus and a fibroid. I am looking on the internet for herbal things to take. I have tried menopace and that makes me feel like i have peroid pains. I have heard sage is good and black cohosh has any tried these? I have also ordered some fish oil tablets and vitamin b complex tablets. Any herbal relief for the above symtoms advice all very welcome. I feel like a crazy woman at times! But i am trying to stay focused and get a grip! I feel like a machine with its sensors going wrong! I am trying not to breakdown! I am trying to take one day at a time and focus on the basics. ie eating 3 meals, keeping hydrated, getting a bit of exercise. The doctor suggested anti deppressants but i feel i do not want to go down that path. HRT is out of the question because of fibroids and the doctor did not even mention that anyway. Any experience or suggestions? Thanks for reading this post.
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bobbysgirl keepsmiling15
I had the same reaction to Menopace, sage was OK (2 tabs a day made a little difference) Black cohosh made me feel weird - hard to explain - just not myself. I tried it twice, same reaction each time.
But hey, that's just me. A friend swears by sage. She has to take 2 a day, but her hotflushes are down to 1-2 a week and she gets 8 hours uninterrupted sleep. I can't remember the last time I did that. Between hormones and frozen shoulder it's 2-3 hours at a time.
janeben bobbysgirl
I'm taking menoforce sage. One a day dose. Not sure if working! Take it at night now along with magnesium.
Lady at company recommended taking at night and said could take 4-6 weeks to maybe work!. Still have slight flushes day and night, when get anxious or panicky!
My daily dose is 3400mg, so quite high I believe but would love to know how much your friend takes for it to make any difference! Thank you
bobbysgirl janeben
Whatever it is it seems to be working for her.
keepsmiling15 bobbysgirl
Thanks for the advice. There is so much out there. Where do you start? Might try the sage. Oh to have 8 hours sleep! I guess what works for some does not work for others though. Why do we women have to go through this! I think we get so desparate at times we try all sorts of things. I will be popping herbs down my throat like they are malteezers! I guess i have to start some where though. What make are the sage that your friend take as well? If i am combat these flushes or flashes as the Americans call them i would feel so much better! I bought some valerium tablets today. They are for helping you sleep and also anxiety. I too get more hot flushes when i am stressed. The doctor has not mentioned HRT she seemed to tell me it is a natural process and gave me the option of some anti depressants which are the new HRT i believe. I guess doctors are all different. I am sure if i begged fo HRT i will get them but i am little worried about the fibroids. Yes it is a balancing act! If you could get back to me about the make of the sage i would appreciate it. What HRT are you on?
janeben keepsmiling15
I've been to my GP four times about sleeping and not once has she / they mentioned menopause!!!
I think the subject only arose as I suggested it! Amazing! I'm 57 and barely visit the GP, only about insomnia and'd have thought she may have put 2 & 2 together but no! Not at all holistic either, all they can suggest are "drugs", so, I self-diagnose with supplements
Good Luck!
bobbysgirl keepsmiling15
I talked all this through with my GP. He would prefer that I was not on HRT (I would prefer that I was not on HRT!) But after I tried various 'remedies' and got nowhere, I went to him and said 'OK tried that, didn't work now give me HRT - INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH!' and he did.
I still get scans and blood tests to keep an eye on the cysts/fibroids and that is always in the back of my mind. But I feel I have my life back.
I'm seeing my friend this week, I'll ask her then. I don't know if the site allows 'trade names' but I take Kliofem.
keepsmiling15 bobbysgirl
bobbysgirl keepsmiling15
Mind you, when you live where I do you if you didn't dance (or at least go out) in the rain - you'd never leave the house!
natalie_63922 janeben