hem surgery
Posted , 4 users are following.
i am expecting a call any day now for my surgery however at the moment my hems have shrunk and left empty sacks, does this mean i cant have the surgery until they flair up again ?
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Posted , 4 users are following.
i am expecting a call any day now for my surgery however at the moment my hems have shrunk and left empty sacks, does this mean i cant have the surgery until they flair up again ?
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thomas79405 mary98122
nope he wil find them very easy it wont take long like 15 to 25 minutes for the whole thing . when i had my done it took him like 20 minutes
meaghan43977 mary98122
surgeon will still cut them off just easier for them
piece of cake
enjoy the recovery
andrea29483 mary98122
my hemorrhoid was not flared up for surgery.
mary98122 andrea29483
thanks for the replies. how long do you need to be off work after surgery?
meaghan43977 mary98122
1 month I was off I had to be cleared from my doctor to fully return without any modifications but slowly go into work dont go full force
thomas79405 meaghan43977
day after my surgry i was walking the next day slow but that what he wanted me too do. and after that rest but as each day went i walks kept getting longger you need too walk ok. and also the best thing too is when you go too the bathroom . let the shower do the workl and wask it off ok. and when you feel some apin put ice pack there it does really help. as for pain i had some . but when you itch yep you will itch good and that last for like 3 daysafter that the worst is over .i,m doing great travis holt was my doctorfrom osf in bloomington ill
andrea29483 mary98122
Im going back to work tomorrow so I only took two days + sat & sun. We will see how I function tomorrow.
meaghan43977 andrea29483
can I ask how many hemroids they removed and they the grade ?
2 days after surgury seems a bit fast in my opinion but depends on what you do I guess
andrea29483 meaghan43977
yes it does seem quick, I wish I could take a few more days but I work for a really small company and they don't like me taking time off 😕
I had one internal HM and one large external skin tag.