Hemorrhoidectomy - 1 month later
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Hi All.
I am new to the forum (33M) but had been searching for tips on after surgery care on the forum as I was desperate for any pain relief remedies I could come across. So I promised myself when I was able to help, I would submit my experience with dealing with the after surgery pain.
So a bit of back story, I had experienced hemorrhoids every now and again, once every couple of months, they were usually very small and it was normally only one that would rear its ugly head. They were usually taken care of using Preparation H and within a day or two they would be gone. Fast forward to the 18th of April 2021, I woke up and could barely get out of bed, there had been no warning signs the night before (although I had been drinking quite a bit so I may have completely missed the signs). I had what felt like a massive pile, and there was no way I could even attempt to try push it back in. I had never had one this bad and to be honest it scared the crap out of me. I decided to try Preparation H and some local anesthetic cream and rest for the day. The next morning I still battled to get up, and the swelling had not subsided. I decided to visit my local GP to see what could be done. The GP told me that i needed to buy certain cream and pain killers and within a day it would have subsided. Before I left I decided to get a Voltaren injection just to try ease the pain a bit, it worked for around 2 hours and it was back to square one. Fast forward to the next day there was no difference in size or pain, so I decided to go through to the hospital. I was admitted on 20th April 2021 and operated on that same afternoon.
Now for the recovery. After I was released I was in immense pain, although I had still yet to have a bowel movement, my first proper bowel movement came 11 days after the surgery, I had had very very minimal liquid bowel movements, but I just could not get myself to go to the loo until the 11th day. I had followed my surgeon's plan, I had been drinking water and eating soups and taking stool softeners for the 11 days, but yet nothing allowed me to go to the loo. This is about the time I came across this forum and picked up a few tips and tricks. I eventually had my first bowel movement and I cannot describe the pain that enveloped my body. I was basically on the floor afterwards. I had been doing sitz baths every day, around 4 - 6 a day and had tried going while in the bath but to no avail. There was minimal bleeding when I did go which I was surprised about.
After my first bowel movement i was able to go once a day every day after, although the pain was still full blown, I was relieved that i was now able to go. I made it my mission to drink as much water as I could (not over indulging, but around 1.5-2L a day) and eating soft foods such as soups.
If I had to do it again, one thing I would have done differently would have been to use Milk of Magnesia from the get go. I am now a month in and still have quite a bit of pain with regards to going to the loo, but that has been eased a lot by the Milk of Magnesia liquid. Although it is only recommended to use Milk of Magnesia for 5 days and then you need to stop, I wish i had used it earlier.
I am now back at work (desk job) for the first time in a month, although i had been working from home a week after my op. I am able to sit comfortably and things are looking a lot better than what they were the first 3 weeks.
Here are some of the tips I can pass on to you that seemed to have helped me quite a bit as well as things I wish I had known before I had gone with the surgery.
1.) If you know that you are going to have this surgery, please do your best to start with a high fiber diet at the very least a week before, this will help you a LOT when it comes to having your first bowel movement
2.) I have read it a lot on here and other places, that straining is a big no no, and indeed it is, but how would you classify straining? Do yourself a favour, when you feel you need the toilet, go and sit on it, make sure your elbows are on your knees as this helps flex your hip muscles and make sure your back is as straight as possible, this will help with your posture and will make things a bit easier. Although these things did help a little, my body still seemed to try force the stuff out of my body, almost like when you vomit and your stomach automatically clenches, there is nothing you can really do to stop it. Remember, it does takes time to heal and willingly forcing things to happen will not do you or your body any favours.
3.) Water. Drink plenty of water, this helps your stomach break down the food you have had, as well as it helps lubricate/soften your stool. Also water is great for your overall health and to be honest I never quite understood this until this last month.
4.) Pain Killers - Stop using pain killers as soon as you can, a lot of pain killers will cause constipation and constipation is the last thing you want to experience when trying to recover from a hemorrhoidectomy.
5.) Sitz Baths - As much as you feel you need to, the hot water will help with the swelling and the pain as well as it might help relax your bum muscles, which might make for an easier bowel movement.
6.) Avoid anything spicy/gassy - This might sound like common knowledge but I made the mistake of having a small bottle of soda and the burning pain I experienced with my next bowel movement made it feel like Lava was pouring out of me.
7.) If you are able to, try walk around for a bit, this helps loosen your bowels. When I felt I might need the loo, i would get up and take a short walk around our complex. It definitely help let me know that I was close to needing the loo, which in turn helped lessen the strain.
8.) Pantie Liners - This has saved me on a number of occasions after the surgery. Dont be scared to use them, there will be leakage and bleeding and this will ultimately help with not staining your underwear and pants.
9.) Keep positive - although you might find yourself down in the dumps and a bit depressed due to the pain and uncomfortableness, try and keep your head up, the pain will eventually lessen (so long as you are taking the measures mentioned by your doctor) and things will start to get better. Also its normal to feel down, especially after an operation like this. Talk to someone, tell them how you are feeling and vent a little.
I hope your recovery is quick and painless, and I hope you never have to read this post, but in case you do need a few tips, I hope I have helped at least a bit.
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louise49399 Claudo90
Hello, thank you for this! I was just wondering if you had any swelling? I am two weeks in and my swelling is so bad it covers my actual hole! It is like a big lump and looks as though the haemorrhoids have returned. Any information regarding this is greatly appreciated
Claudo90 louise49399
Hi @louise49399
Yes, I am still swollen although not as bad as you, are you talking about where they did the operation? Mine wasnt that swollen that I can remember, but it still swells a little now when I use the loo, I also do feel like i have haemorrhoids again but from what I have read up on its normal. I wouldnt worry too much just yet, give it another 2 weeks and see how it goes. If you are worried maybe speak to your surgeon (if possible) and ask them what you can do to help with the swelling?
For any swelling I would normally use the Hot and Cold method, applying something like a heat pad/warm bath etc for 10 minutes and then something cold for another 10 minutes. Although I am no qualified doctor so it might be best to ask your doc what you could do.
Wishing you a very painless and speedy recovery