Here but not here ?
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Hello ladies . Does anyone know what I mean by this title ? It's really weird . It happened to me earlier . I was having a clear out , sorting out clothes , trying desperately to get motivated , when I had this weird almost out of body experience . Does this make sense ? I was there , but felt somewhat detached from myself . Am I going mad ? It's such a job to explain . Also this is the first month in ages that I'm actually late . It's usually between three and four weeks that I come on . It's now four and a half weeks since my last period , so hopefully they will start lengthing out to give me a breather from all the bleeding . Anyway some advice would be greatly appreciated . I turned 50 in August . Jane X
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Gigi368 jane63977
Yes!!!! You're not going mad! The last couple days Ive had this off and on all darn day! I do not have a period, I had a hysterectomy 16 yrs ago but kept my ovaries. I just started Estrace Cream a week ago and for me I think that's causing my fogginess, my doc says no, but I'm not buying it. I found an article about hormones and what can happen with too much or too little, mine are all too little of estrogen and progesterone! Give it a look, it might help you decide if this could be your issue!!
How do I know if my hormone levels are off-balance?
Finding the right balance of hormones can be tricky especially after an oophorectomy (removal of ovaries). Luckily, your body is usually pretty good about telling you what it needs. Simple symptoms may easily be ignored, but it's important to note that these symptoms have been reported by women experiencing hormone imbalance. If you have any of these symptoms, discuss them with your doctor during your next checkup as you consider managing menopause with hormone replacement therapy.
Keep a symptom diary to take to your doctor to discuss adjusting your hormone levels. Note any symptoms along with the length of the symptom and the intensity.
Here are some general indicators to help you as you keep your symptoms diary:
Too much estrogen:
Water retention
Breast swelling
Fibrocystic breasts
PMS-like symptoms
Loss of sex drive
Uterine fibroids
Craving for sweets
Weight gain
Too little estrogen:
Hot flashes
Shortness of breath
Night sweats
Sleep disorders
Vaginal shrinkage
Painful intercourse
Vaginal dryness
Dry skin
Mood swings
Memory Loss
Heart palpitaions
Yeast infections
Inability to reach orgasm
Too much progesterone:
Too little progesterone:
Hot flashes
Low libido
Night sweats
Swollen breasts
Painful breasts
Sleep disorder
Shortness of breath
Vaginal shrinkage
Fuzzy thinking
Painful intercourse
Vaginal dryness
Food cravings
Dry skin
Mood swings
Memory loss
Weight gain
Heart palpitations
Yeast infections
Inability to concentrate
Inability to reach orgasm
Painful joints
Too much testosterone:
Oily skin
Facial hair
Deepening voice
Feelings of anger and aggression
Male pattern baldness
Clitoral enlargement
Too little testosterone:
Vaginal dryness
Urinary incontinence
Dry skin
Brittle hair
Decreased sexual desire
Reduced energy and sense of well-being
Insensitivity to clitoral stimulation
Insensitivity to nipple stimulation
Decreased arousability overall
Lower capacity for orgasm
Thinning of pubic hair (for some women)
Hope this helps!!
linda61015 jane63977
You are not going weird , the symptoms of the menopause make you feel like your going mad but it just the declining hormones levels that have a huge effect on your body .
Keep strong and have a lot of support at this time ; you need it
Love Linda xx
michelleds jane63977
I've been thinking lately, "Who am I? Where did I go?"
Simple activities that were part of my every day life now seem foreign, and very far away.
I've decided to try to ride it out, and think of it as transitioning into a new me.
Detaching from myself might be a good thing, in many ways.
Meanwhile, I feel like I'm often bleeding to death, verging on anemia, and getting anxiety I thought I'd resolved long ago. Bla.
I feel for you. I just discovered these forums and am relieved to know whatever I'm going through is nothing unusual. That list of symptoms Gigi just posted? Yep- all of the above LOL.
nanette44686 michelleds
Hi me too all of the above it is s crazy time 😳😔
nikki60363 jane63977
Hi Jane the only time I had an out of body experience was when I had my first migraine about 3 years ago, I didn't really have a headache I just had bit of a fuzzy head and felt like I wasn't in my own body but it was quite scary... I had one migraine sometime after that but no more now. Maybe you had a migraine too.
Jeudi jane63977
I know what you mean. I feel spaced out and not quite with it at all. I feel like I'm going mad.