Here I am again!!!! I have a question.
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It seems I've been on here a lot lately. I know a lot of you ladies have spoken about waking up depressed, low mood, dark thoughts, feeling like you're in flight or mode etc. But it seems to get better as the day goes on. One of the ladies did explain that cortisol is higher in the morning and may be the reason for the terrible feelings and it lowers throughout the day so we feel better later in the day.
?BUT, has anyone woke up terrified? I mean literally afraid to get out of bed? That happened to me this morning. I have had many mornings(who am kidding, that's most mornings) where I didn't feel like getting out of bed, but being scared to get out of bed is a new one. Then I cried on the way to work. My health anxiety is also bad again. Are any of you afraid you are dying of something and you won't be able to live out your dreams and goals(whatever they are, everyone has different dreams and goals some of mine are marriage, traveling, long healthy retirement, long life, and health for family).
?I pray, exercise, drink plenty of water, take a good multivitamin, magnesium, fish oil, D3. I take a mild antidepressant(it's a SNRI, not a SSRI because the side effects are so nasty). I have Valium, but don't take it very often because I don't want to get addicted(they're like my security blanket in case of the really bad days and believe it or not I didn't take any today lol). Honestly I wonder how I would cope if I wasn't doing the few things I am doing to feel better. I don't think I've ever talked to God so much or been closer to him.
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nanc00951 juanita93228
I am in menopause would love to know if others already in menopause still feel this way.
juanita93228 nanc00951
I am almost eight years post menopausal and feel that way. Don't get nervous, my estrogen level was very high so I had NO menopausal symptom until 2014. It took that long for my levels to drop enough to start having symptoms. I have weeks where I'm my old self and then the bottom will drop out. But God loves me and you too, so we soldier on.
nanc00951 juanita93228
juanita93228 nanc00951
Guest juanita93228
juanita93228 Guest
It's not a national church and it's non-denominational. It's called The Church at Rock Creek. It's in Arkansas. That's how you know you have the right one. If you have an iPhone(go to the app store). If you have an Android phone go to the Play store. Type in Church at Rock Creek and download the app. Sunday sermons are usually ready by Wednesday. The app is blue with little waves in it. People think because it's a southern church it's going to be hellfire and brimstone, but we are a very progressive church. I hope you enjoy the sermons. They always seem to be just what I need.
juanita93228 Guest
Bassilli juanita93228
juanita93228 Bassilli
I'm so sorry for your loss Bassilli. I lost both my parent at a young age. I can't imagine losing a parent in the throes of menopause. "In this world you will have trials and tribulations, but take heart, for I have overcome the world". ((((((HUGS))))))
Guest juanita93228
juanita93228 Guest
It's called ALIVE! Women's 50 plus. I take the gummies. They cost about 9.00 at Walmart. I don't know if you are in the US or not. If not, I'm sure you can get them on Amazon. I take this brand because, it has minerals, fruits, and veggies in it. We don't always get all our nutrients through food. For a while I wasn't eating properly because of nausea, just not feeling hungry.
2chr2015 juanita93228
juanita93228 2chr2015
The omega-3 fatty acids in fish aids serotonin levels in the brain. It's a anti inflammatory, and it helps bridge the gap as your estrogen levels decrease.
2chr2015 juanita93228
Sassyr12a juanita93228
Hi Juanita
Sorry you had such a bad start to your day, I think maybe it's just your subconscious waking you with the terrors. I have health anxiety and I know it's so hard. I'm always afraid that I'm dying of something because the feelings are so real. I try to be really active, meditate and it seems to help. I hope you have a better start to tomorrow but stay strong xx
juanita93228 Sassyr12a