Here it is again
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i have myself convinc d something is wrong. ive posted alot am back up 330 am racing heart cant breath all that stopped doing this now back.i cant eat dinner at nights cause i start feeling bad after 4 pm and when i finally sleep i crap in the mornings for awhile. its like i have a few hours a day that i feel somewhat ok. am i the only one who.jyst plain feels like im dying?? this is horrible.
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susane84679 Jaynie12
Hi Jayne,
The Morning is the worst for me also but I feel better after about an hour of being up most days. It sounds like maybe you're having panic attacks that wake you up? or sinuses maybe? I'm not sure what you mean by not being able to breath. I hope you feel better soon and are able to rest.
Guest Jaynie12
I was convinced I was dying of something for an entire year. That was almost three years ago. It's hard not to think that when you feel so dreadful.
But I'm here to tell you that declining hormones can make you feel that bad. They really can. Honest.
All the symptoms you are experiencing are ones that most of us on this forum have had. We can't all be dying of the same thing. I mean, I guess we could be, but what are the odds? What we do have in common is that these symptoms all hit when our cycles are starting to change, or are about to.
Trying to remember that it's hormones screwing with your brain will hopefully keep your anxiety level a bit lower. Anxiety itself can cause all these symptoms , just check out anxiety forums, you'll see.
Try and get rest when you can!
Sorry you are going thru it, it will get better eventually.
Jaynie12 Guest
thank u for ur kindness. yes its probably anxiety. i havent had a period in almost 3 yrs but allthis stuff started happening 5 months ago with every test possible. im hanging in its just frustating getting used to one horrible symptom then it gets kicked up a knotch. thanx again.
sally15609 Jaynie12
No you are not alone. This morning i woke up and didn't know what day it was. I was going crazy. This never happened to me in my life. Then racing heart and heavy chest feeling, i cannot breath. I am new to peri a week and a half into it. I am completely lost. I do not feel like myself at all. My period ended 3 days ago and i feel worse for wear. Is it normal to feel worse after your period ? A friend of mine is going through the same thing, i wish she lived closer. She is 4 yrs in and she tells me symptoms come and go so don't expect that you won't see them again even if its been 5 months. sometimes they come on stronger. I felt like i was losing my mind this morning it was like a outer body experience. I just started calling on God to help me. I never knew in my life that hormones can do this to a woman. My God. Try to have a good day as i will.
Pra_Adoni Jaynie12
Nope, you are definitely not alone! I am going thru similar hell currently. Convinced in the middle of the night that I am about to die, and come morning, scold myself for being stupid....come evening, its repeat!
Really tired of this yo-yo life every effing day.
The one being solace is reading the struggles that we all seem to be going through - some more than others, but I am sure (hope) we get stronger on the other side.
Hang in there, it will get better!
maddysmom2015 Jaynie12
Suzanne is right. Hormones can and will do this to us. I also get middle of the night panic attacks. And feeling like crap in the mornings is normal and now "on brand" for me. I teeter on the anxiety of feeling like I am dying quite often. That sense is exacerbated by the feeling that no medical professional seems to care or have an answer.
There are a couple of lifestyle changes I made that can help a bit. I exercise (nothing heavy--just walking) and that cuts back on the middle of the night, screaming panics. I journal--just random thoughts on paper that I put through the shredder when I'm finished--and that helps mitigate some of the nightmares and clarify my thinking a bit. The anxiety has slightly more trouble taking hold then.
I also try to pay attention to foods that set off my moods and anxiety. I am off gluten. But gluten free stuff makes me so angry! I was eating power bars each day that were making my period come every 2 weeks. Dairy gives me joint pains....everyone's body is different. You are worth the time and effort it takes to investigate the variables in your life!
thank u ladies. i try to tell myself its head games from the hormones but when its happening its hard. im trying im just so sick of feeling like this. and yes drs look at u like ur crazy or u want drugs. hell id take it uf it made all this go away. thank y ou again.have a good night and thats from the heart....xxxoo
mel65197 Jaynie12
Try listening to the podcast Sweaty and P****d. It will make you feel better, laugh and give you lots of good info!