Here we go again another symptom has poped up!!!

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well I've got another symptom that has popped up, 

the last few days I've had a migrane from hell, and well started Friday EVEn though I get a good sleep 8-9 hours I've become extremly drowsy, irratable moody u name it I've had or got it!!!

but Friday night Saturday night and since I woke up I'm sooooo tired even though I'm getting enough hours sleep?.

i know B12 is good for the energy but how long does this take to start having any effect?

what is good to use for this I'm guessing it's another peri symptom?

what is advisable to take ?

someone at work reccommended pro plus, ??

but this isn't just the odd day this is occurring everyday! Can anyone RECCOMEND something??.

any advice would be tremenderouse help thanks..

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    hi Shelly.  I had these hormonal migraines for four years!  didn't know I was in peri at the time and my doctor didn't suggest it.  magnesium supplement will help to prevent them.

    I no longer have the migraines which were happening every two weeks towards the end, before my hormones dropped again,  but if one starts, I rub a little blob of progesterone cream on my wrist and this calms it down so that I can function.  I don't use this cream regularly, it just helps if and when i get a migraine as the hormones change especially before or during a period (less regular now).

    I have not heard of pro-plus.

    • Posted

      Hi metamorphed, 

      thanks for replying. My migranes I have had for 20plus years, 

      but had Daith piercing (ear piercing) I've not had any for 5 months!!!!  BUT since going onto HRT in the 5 weeks I've had 4+ !!!!!!!!.

      however I'm on medication Sumertription and they've helped, but however the lack of energy, like being just totally drained I have heard B12 is good for this BUT again there are a lot of brands? Which one is good and how do u know if it's going to be good? All very mind boggling!!!'.

      im on the Mirena coil as well, and HRT patches to help with some of the symptoms BUT the migranes could be a side effect off the HRT???

      i don't know I guess I'll have to make yet another appoitment with my GP ??!!!!. AGAIN!!. 

      Pro plus is just tablets to help kick start ur day, bit like Red Bull!!!!'

      which isn't any good not to me anyway!!.

    • Posted

      ah, you're probably best to see your GP, as you said, again!!  It's annoying but all I do know is that (and I think they may be right) oestrogen being the dominant hormone at the beginning of peri was my problem with migraine.  It may be that the oestrogen level is too high for you with the patches, hopefully they know what they are talking about and can deal with this for you.  It is a mine-field, all trial and error.  The pro-plus might be good because of the caffeine (i looked it up!!) for migraine relief.  But who knows.  Really hope you get relief soon.!

    • Posted

      Thankyou, it's good that we can come on here and get real good advice of each other.

      this oestrogen and progestin has me all confused I just don't get either of them!!

      so that I may that my Oestrogen maybe to high, and that is off my patches? 

      Thanks anyway.

    • Posted

      shelly, another quick question.  How long do you have the mirena?  did you have this first, before the HRT patches for oestrogen?  and how did you feel on it alone.  interested because I was offered a mirena and am still thinking about it.  thnks
    • Posted

      Hi I've had the Mirena in for 5years, comes out this December,

      which I may have another one fitted after, as GP said I could?

      she thinks having combined may be good, depending on how HRT works for me?.

  • Posted

    OMGoodness YES..  I've had a headache since Friday too!!   I just thought it was due to sinus since the weather is goofy.. But maybe it is from these hormones... This morning I woke up with it still!! Took 3 IB Profrofen.  

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