Hi all, just wondering if anyone has experienced any high blood sugar with there menopause journey?

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I am one of the girls that have had every symptom known,  just  when I thought I had experianced them all, I got my blood work back,  as I have hashimotos,  which makes all menopause symptoms that much worse!! And to my surprise my blood sugar was 130," what " no history of diabetes.... She checked my a1c and it came back normal, started cking throughout the day it always goes down, but every morning it is high, it's kinda scary and I dont know what to think...


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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Yep, I am in perimenopause too and I also have Hashimoto's. I've also experienced high blood pressure during this time as well, which I have never had before in my life

    • Posted

      Hi Kim, my blood pressure also went up and I am working on that also, Is your blood sugar also high? And did it start recently? This all started the day I turned 50 omg!!!!😓

    • Posted

      Yep, it sure did! It all started around the time I started perimenopause, which was about 3 or 4 years ago the same time I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
    • Posted

      Hi Kim, I have hashimotos as well, do you take anything for it and does it help your symptoms, what are your symptoms, does perimenopause make your hashimotos worse, and do you follow any kind of diet that helps the hashimotos??
    • Posted

      I also have hashimotos and was just real worried about diabetes type 1.5 which is another autoimmune disease that attacks the islets in the pancreas, we are more susceptible, hashimotos and the symptoms are bad enough!!! I've had for 15 years, it took me 4 years to diagnose myself,  because back then they told you,  u were crazy, also got intestinal candida, that is still have to this day, probably cause by them not diagnosing me early for hashi's, I'm am 52 by the way and still have my cycle off and on. That's why us girls have to stick together💑

    • Posted

      Hi Kim,  don't know if you are still out there, question? Do you still get this blood sugar thing in the morning here and there or were you able to get rid of it after strick dieting,  still haven't got my blood pressure down since all this started,  like you it all started at the start of peri....your knowledge is greatly appreciated, it's hard to deal with this and work at the same time.

  • Posted

    I had the same my blood sugar in the morning was high then levels off. If your ac1 is okay don't worry too much. Perimenopause can be scary and the last thing you want to do is to start taking a diabetes pill. Control the amount of sugar you eat, avoid white rice, pasta and bread and your sugar will come down. If you're still not sure I was taking a natural pill called berberine, this lowered my blood sugar and took away any cravings for sweets.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much girlie, just a real wierd symptom,  and you are right I don't want to take meds I don't need, my blood pressure also went up, just trying to stay positive, eat well, and not get to amped up about it😊

    • Posted

      Bev, working out & doing aerobics or zumba or walking on the treadmill or even jogging will bring your blood pressure down. Basically, any kind of exercise will help lower your bp. I recently read that beets lower your blood pressure as well as cranberries. I think even drinking cranberry juice might bring it down only because it lowers my blood pressure a little too much.

  • Posted

    Me too Beverly! Almost EVERY symptom. Recent blood work showed slightly elevated glucose. Have to fast and re check this week. Never had an issue until now. 49 years old, and 10 months with no period. I have had hypothyroidism for years.
    • Posted

      The same here. I had an elevated blood sugar when I diagnosed with early menopause a year ago. Hrt helps me to stabilize it and I try to train daily and have a clean diet. 
    • Posted

      Hi guys, thanks so much for your input, just gets really weird with all these symptoms, I have had tons of the typical... I'm suffering...let's put it that way, I have history of illness, but this blood sugar thing had me puzzled I had to drop my happy hour😔 And buckle down, I got a glucose monitor, I am very familiar with a lot of natural stuff, so doing a lot of research...JUst really wanted to see, if there were anymore of you!

  • Posted

    Hi Beverly, I also have hashimotos.. Do you take anything for it, and does it help your symptoms at all.. What is it you take.. And do you follow a strict diet for the hashimotos??
    • Posted

      Hi, Gypsy,

      Please forgive me for butting in.  The thyroid is the "master" gland and controls all other glands.  I got Hashimoto's thyroiditis at 40 and my periods stopped after 2 years because my ovaries were no longer being stimulated.  

      A long, long time ago women with Hashimoto's disease literally went mad as they had horrible symptoms, such as crushing fatigue, though they were sleeping for long periods of time, confused thinking, hair loss and other problems.  

      Typically, when you have Hashimoto's you should be referred to an endocrinologist, who will treat you with thyroid medication.  Being on this medication can relieve other symptoms of menopause and peri menopause.  

      You will need blood tests every few months to make sure that the dosage of thyroid is proper. xx

    • Posted

      Hi girl, I have had hashimotos for 15 years nothing ever worked,  I tryed natural first because that is always my first go to, It never did the trick I was always having symptoms, I also have leaky gut from being so sick the 15 years ago, But I will tell you my doc put me on a new thyroid med, and awesome, it's called tiro sing, I believe it's pretty much brand new its a gel cap so it goes strait in and devolves fast.... Luv it my numbers are good no side effect of hashi

    • Posted

      Your not butting in at all, I appreciate all info I can get ! Yes I feel at times like I'm going mad that's for sure.. I did have tests that say high antibodies for hashimotos I've just never taken thyroid meds for it, just let it be and changed diet and have just been dealing with all symptoms as though its all perimenopause, just not so sure anymore as bad as I feel! When I went to an endocrinologist a couple years ago I was very weepy to him with all my symptoms and he basically said thyroid needed to burn itself out if that's what it was going to do.. Never seen another again as they aren't very much help. Said with my age 45 at that time was probably all menopause symptoms, so just went with that and did some reading and everything ive read says diet helps reduce antibodies.. Never went back to get rechecked just know symptoms are bad with anxiety and migraines and fatigue, and of course all other Peri symptoms and these symptoms do cycle them selves to the day every single month so I'm not so sure anymore think I'm going to make an appointment if my anxiety allows me and somehow try and get rechecked.. How long did it take you to straighten out your hashimotos and what did you take if anything, and did symptoms get better for you?? I have no periods because of hysterectomy so have no clue what exactly my hormones are doing, thanks for the info as I said any and all info is greatly appreciated..

    • Posted

      Hi Beverly thank you for the info, so this new medication for your thyroid finally worked but nothing else helped for15 years? Wow that's a long time to suffer.. I've never tried any medication for hashimotos was always told thyroid needed to burn itself out in order for meds to work , pointless they said because you just swing back and forth hyper to hypo until it doesn't work anymore then meds will work.. I'm not sure but do know sick of this all menopause thyroid all of it rheumatoid arthritis too they say antibodies high for that as well, so I'm a real mess, and thought once Peri over everything else would just kind of fall into place but that's not happening for me, so at a loss now and suffering with many many symptoms.. Thanks for the info, take care ?

    • Posted

      Hi, Gypsy,

      I said that the thyroid gland was the master gland, because it stimulates all the other glands that produce hormones, including the ovaries.  It is an autoimmune disease.  People with Hashimoto's also experience other autoimmune diseases, such as the arthritis that you have, lupus, etc.

      At 40, 29 years ago, I was informed by my gp that I was going into early menopause because my periods had stopped.  But he never did a thyroid test.  I was undiagnosed and untreated for 2 years!

      Then, I saw a female gyn who said that what my gp had done and said was complete B.S. She got me to an endocrinologist who got me on thyroid medication.  That took care of lots of my symptoms.

      It took about a month or two to get regulated, because we tried different dosages until she was satisfied that I was properly medicated.  But, after 2 years, my ovaries were essentially deceased.  

      That's why on this site I suggest that women not assume that their symptoms are all peri or menopause related.  It seems that gp's jump to that conclusion, too, without measuring the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone).  I know peri and menopause do cause horrible, debilitating symptoms.  But women owe it to themselves to make sure that their gp's not lumping them all together and making the wrong conclusion.

      Years ago, medical magazines used to be filled with advertisements for MD's that sold various tranquilizers and other mood altering drugs.  They were geared towards doctors who didn't know what to do with their female patients who were "complaining and worrisome."  With the idea that If you give them this pill, your troublesome patient will get happy and go away and leave you alone. xx       


    • Posted

      Hi gypsy, not sure why I can't see my post,  so yes this year I finally got the good medicine for my thyroid, when I got hashimotos there was no internet, so I went to the library and got tons of books over and over,  just very sick, my hair all fell out, fatigue, lost lots of weight, all the stuff with hashi's, I finally figured it out, went to the doc and said this is what I have... Treat it,  by then I had been to at least a dozen doc's.. I was afraid to go on synthetic thyroid because of all my stuff, so I choose nature thyroid, it never worked well,   Ifeel foryou girl, it's hard to have this condition and be on nothing, that has got to make u so sick. I also started to get seizures from not being treated... I think u should think about finding someone that will treat u, u deserve to be well! I finally got a good endocrinologist, she is a women and understands... I hope the name of the med came across that she put me on, live saver...good luck sweetie stop suffering

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