Hi, does Livial make your skin itchy/spotty

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I was prescribed Livial 2.5mg recently for low libido reasons, having only been taking it for just over 1wk I have noticed my skin is itchy, my face has redness and spots and I have put on weight, has anyone else had this, does it stop, is it worth taking or can anyone recommend anything else I can try, I

am at my wits end as I really need help with the low libido but do not want the complications that seem to be happening with this medication? please can anyone advise, thanks

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi susan73521

    I have been taking Livial since Early December 2013 after spending 4 years trying to find one that suits me. I can honestly say I haven't experienced any problems you are. This is the best HRT I have ever tried, your libido will most certainly return mine did : ) give it time to settle. I started menopause at 37 now I am 41. After being in such a dark cloud for many many years I can truly say I have got my life back! still having a young family and work I feel I am 18 again. Over the years I heard people say HRT is great, now I can say that!!!!!

    Good Luck.


    • Posted

      Hi Colette, I stopped usage for mean time because my skin was quite bad and did read that this was a side effect also I gained weight so quickly, my skin still has the rash/spots and I've stopped 1 week now, I am scared to try it again and have ordered a more natural remedy (had to pay for it and postage from New Zealand) hoping this will work as I'm desperate!

      Thanks for your response smile

  • Posted

    Hi Susan

    Just wondering if you are getting on with livial now?

    I started taking it four days ago, following BSO so far its difficult to tell how its affecting me since I am recovering from surgery and my body is now in surgical menopause.  I feel bit tired but that could be just how I would be feeling anyway so time will tell.

    Take it easy, symptoms may settle for you.

    Linsey (Scotland)

    • Posted

      Hi Linsey, sorry for late reply was away for weekend.  I stopped taking the Livial because of the spots/rash and weight gain, I couldn't stop itching and my face looked a mess sad  not sure what to do now?  hope it works for you

      Susan ( Scotland)

  • Posted

    Hello Susan73521, I have been taking Livial for over 15 years, and one

    of the side effects is an itchy scalp, but I can live with that as it took away

    my depression, and my dry skin, and gave me more energy.  I am now

    in the process of leaving it if I can, and have been taking it 1 day yes,

    2 days no, and noticed that my knees and joints are very stiff even though

    it is summer here.  But if you can get over the skin problem with time the

    benefits will be great!!  Hope you were able to overcome it!!

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