Hi ladies
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hope all is doing well ive not been on lately the move was a total disaster lets just say im back home in wv. i got to fl to find the place i was going to be renting was not livable what so ever and to top it all off someone had died in it well i cant do that no way not when i know they did. my sister had me thinking it was a nice place and to come on down note to self wont believe nobody no more. i even asked my sister about someone dying in there after the neighbor plainly told me so. i stayed one night was on the road back home. my stress and my symptoms has been off the charts. to anyone living in the cape Canaveral fl area dont ever rent from the port Canaveral park will be very disappointed. i dont know how to keep going feeling like death all of this is just getting harder and harder. seems since last cycle my face is a constant flush day in day out isnt coming and going like before im so bloated indigestion everything is so dry eyes,mouth,down below, skin. im due in 6 days and this stuff just gets more intense why we suffer so bad and so much ill never understand. the off balance dizziness has been so bad and the 4 days in a vehicle made it worse. i just want to get to the end of all this already its been a very long road of suffering and torment.
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Ella23ps pamela2016
I am so sorry it did not work out. I do not blame you for not wanting to rent an apartment someone died in. All that stress on top of everything else is rough to say the least, but at least you made it back safe and sound. Just keep saying to yourself " I can do all things though Christ which strengthens me" and just try to let it go and move forward. I am going to say a prayer for you right now. Deep breathing really does help when stress is high, but sometimes that is easier said than done. Again I really don't blame you for leaving it sounded horrible.
kelly55079 pamela2016
I'm so sorry what a disappointment to get down there and it's not at all what you expected. And yes, very creepy to 'know' someone had died in the same place.. I know it happens but still.. That's great thou you were not stuck and able to go back home to WV. I want it to end too But have to keep in mind that not everyone can breeze thou--- We can hope thou.. : ) Sometimes I think after my periods are finished, I'll go back to the same person I once was..
staci88515 pamela2016
So sorry you are struggling. What a disappointment about the move. I am right there with you when it comes to dry eyes and dizziness. You are not alone. xo
lisa95354 pamela2016
Pam... Get a sage stick and sage the heck out of yourself and your living space .. You don’t want any bad juju following you back home from that place ... make sure your windows are open when you do it ... positive vibes your way 😃