Hi Ladies....ages here??

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I have been wanting to ask if anyone here is late 50s or early sixties, but didn't want to panic anyone into thinking this will dredge on interminably...we all know it'll end...eventually. And we're here to support each other through the journey.

Women in my family took a long time to get to that 12 months marker. It appears my younger sisters and I are on track for the same. They are 57 and 58, still cycling. My oldest sis went to 58. My mom went to late 50s.

I win the prize. 61 and still counting. ( GASP!!) On 7th month now with fingers crossed. Hysterscopy and ultra sounds are normal. I do have a huge fibroid but dr is watching but says it's shrinking. I don't want surgery unless necessary.

So...what are the age ranges here, if you don't mind sharing and how long have you been enjoying peri??? I can look back now and see that irregularities didn't begin until i was 50.

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15 Replies

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    Hi Katy, I had hysterectomy when I was 27 but don't let that fool you just because I had the hysterectomy doesn't mean no symptoms, actually quite the opposite.. but I can't lie its been real nice with no periods for sure,, with that said I couldn't imagine still bleeding with fibroids at 61 my vote is if a doc is willing to give you the hysterectomy book that appointment yesterday its well worth it no regrets here.. now a days doctors are Very eager to do the surgery on woman that no longer need their uterus .. thats how they pay their mortgage and go on their expensive vacations lol .. my sister had her hysterectomy at 51 and my mother had hers at 50 both had huge bleeding fibroids.. and neither one regretted it.. mine was pre cancer cells on the cervix.. which never entered the uterus according to the pathologists.. my sisters surgery was the most recent and done by robotic geez the docs don't even have to be in the room they stand behind the glass window and direct the robot arm.,but yeah if its dragging on for you , you should have it out you don't need it anymore, then you can get on with enjoying your life., I'm still waiting on all my symptoms to subside so I can enjoy my remaining years , its really crap because these are suppose to be the best years of our life.. what ??? not with all these crappy can't function symptoms.. I know they won't last forever so I'm just praying everyday for good times..

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      Gypsy thanks...to hear it from another point of view makes sense. I see my doc next week. I'm ready to do something. This waiting it out is no longer working for me n since the world is shut down anyway there's no time like now to get it done.

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    My period ceased at age 51. But I know one lady that didn't stop until 57 and another lady that had a period until age 61. 51 is just the average age. Everyone is different. My mother stopped her cycle at age 44.

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      Thanks Juanita (my mom's name!) That makes me relax to know there are women outside of my family with similar experiences!

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      Lol! When I was younger I didn't know anyone named Juanita, but as an adult I found it to be a pretty common name! But it is one of the most mispronounced and misspelled names ever! 😂😂😂

      I've been called everything from Wanda to Julianna!🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Sorry to rattled on, I just thought that would make you laugh a little!

      Anyway, just hang in there and pray. You will be okay. If you don't feel okay just come on here and vent away! These ladies really helped me a few years ago when I thought I was losing it!

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      😘 someone once called my mom "Ju-a-nee-ta"...🤣 she laughed at that story til she passed 2 years ago at 94 years of age.

      Thanks for making me laugh

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      Lol! Someone called me Ju-wa-nee-ta too!😂😂😂

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    Just like Gypsy, I had a hysto due to fibroids at 33, but kept my ovaries. I'm 52 now and been having these nasty symptons for about 6 yrs now, the bad part is I have no idea where I am in the process without the monthly cycles to judge by. My GP and OB/GYN wont check my hormone levels bc they say they fluctuate so much during meno that they're not reliable, I'd still like to know. However, not having a period all these years was a blessing since I basically bled non stop bc of the fibroids, I had 2, one softball size the other a tad smaller, they actually mistaked the small one for a baby when I was pregnant with my youngest, told me twins at the first ultrasound. I was actually relieved to find out it was a fibroid lol! None of the women in my family had these horrible symptoms and seemed to breeze thru it. Some days I'm sure I'm dying..

    As for the hysto I regret nothing. It was done vaginally, 24 hours in the hosp and I was home, no pain, just sore.

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      Thanks Gigi...I made an appointment for next week to get checked out.

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      gigi these meno symptoms can be real nasty you are right on there!!! and yes with no periods anymore we have nothing to go by, are we nearing the end or what.. but I do remember getting my periods at the very end of the month when I use to get them and I remember ovulating 14 days later in the middle of the month like clockwork.. also I can always feel myself ovulating because of those horrible monthly cysts that attach themselves to your ovaries monthly.. I still feel mid month ovary pain, and my monthly migraines come every month 2 times a month on them days, as well as other bad symptoms through out.. so yeah not knowing and just guessing really stinks!! so just wanted to say get those pee sticks you pee on and test your hormones that way, just like when your doing a pregnancy test,, 2 lines meno 1 line not.. on the days I feel not so bad.. the 2nd line is very light and on the days I feel like I'm well dying both lines are super dark showing positive...

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      Are we related lol! This week should be period week and just like clock work my anxiety ramps up, my bladder acts up and I actually cramp! I'm wishing now I'd have decided to have my ovaries taken too. I was so young back them I think I may have handled meno better! I'm currently sitting here trying to keep it together, my heart is jack hammering out of my chest (I have heart issues also) I'm nauseous, my bladder hurts and I feel feverish, my hot flashes seem to take different forms at different times of the month. I use estrace cream for AV but i cant take oral hormones bc of my history with fibroids and family history of breast cancer. And since this virus hit my health anxiety is through the roof even though I've literally only left my house 5-6 times since March. I'm tired of all of it!!

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    45 here with heavy periods every 21 days. My peri symptoms started at 43 (migraine aura, visual issues, weird hot flashes that aren't really hot, waking up with a racing heart, dizziness, etc.), but I started getting menstrual migraines and a bit of rage around 37/38.

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      Thanks, Staci...hope yours ends sooner rather than later

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    HI KATY,,, Im 54 and still going pretty strong missed about 3 periods last year so if it stops now will be 55 my mom went later although she does not remember exactly.... I have several fibroids that is irratating because I spot alot and have been going thru all these symptoms for about 5 years total with all the 66 symptoms... going as long as you have just hope you have not had all the crazy nightmare stuff I and alot of these girls have!! hugs to you xxxx

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