Hi ladies I have another symptom to ask you all about
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Do any of you ladies get itchy nipples ?
It comes and goes. Just returned from holiday where it was extremely hot and didn't wear a bra ??? Could this have started it off again.
Thank you (I'm coming back as a man)!!!!! X
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paula20385 Nita1960
Take care paula
Nita1960 paula20385
Thanks for that
its true you never know from one day to next what is coming. I lost my poor mum on 15th June this year after only 5 short weeks of illness. I'm so glad my Gp put me on antidepressants for menopause. My symptoms were horrendous and with her illness I wouldn't have been able to cope. It's only been 3 weeks since funeral and I miss her. I only have my Husband and Son, now no one to have girly talks to or talk out women's problems. Not sleeping.
I hope your meno probs or Oier meno probs get better sooner rather than later. Be healthy and happy. Big hug sent to you.
thank you again
2chr2015 Nita1960
Hi Nita. Yes I get that too. I was so freaked out the first time it happened. But, I've been to doctor and everything is okay. I'm pretty sure it's hormonal.
Nita1960 2chr2015
thank you for your reply. I don't feel I'm alone now we females had to cope with a lot of crazy hormones. Drives you bloody crazy!!!!!!!!! X
Guest Nita1960
im in peri and been having such anxiety around period and ovulation.... wake up shaky heart racing....my gp put me on cilift last year but it made my heart beat crazy so i stopped it....what antidepressants you on.... im so tired of feeling like this every 2 weeks....
Nita1960 Guest
Hi Michelle
My Gp put me on Vensir xl 75mg(Venlafaxine caps prolonged release). They are recommended for menopausal symptoms. I have to admit for the first 7 days they make you feel awful but once I got used to them my energy returned. Pounding heart stopped, anxiety stopped nearly 100%. Hot flashes stopped all together. They have been a life saver for me and my hubby, ha ha. The mood swings stopped. I still have very occasionally an off day but I think that's normal for anyone.
I hope you find something very soon to help you. Ask your Gp if you can try these you have nothing to lose only gain if they work for you. I was very against antidepressants but I'm so glad I took them. I feel human again. The only neg thing is they don't get rid of the belly fat ha ha!!!!! You can't have it all. Good luck Michelle.
hug from me Anita