Hi ladies please understand

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I'll start off with every morning stuffy nose my allergies have gotten so bad since menopause. My shoulders aches more half the time i can't breath out of my nose i freak out because I feel like i cant take a deep breath due to my nose being so stuffy well ole faithful kicks in (anxiety) there goes my day my flushes have seem to subside but the anxiety has me feeling doomed grrrrr i know im all over just texting as im thinking also getting aggravated quick when normally I am very calm with my grandkids little things seem to get to me now im sorry for jumping around but wgen it pops in my head i try to express also my body feels heavy at times like im being weighed down or something weird feeling when that happens oh lord anxiety kicks in full force please has anyone had any of my symptoms

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Dear monique,

    I have the stuffy watery eyes in the mornings and some days it seems ok. I used to get the breathlessness especially in the mornings but that has subsided. I am currently suffering anxiety and panic attacks which are awful x

  • Posted

    Hi monique,yes I get a lot of your symptoms,the stuffy nose,aches and pains as soon as I wake up,my thoughts get confused,I feel like I can't cope with everyday problems,my daughter has just turned 13 and in full blown teenage mode,there's times I'm not sure who's more hormonal,her or me.Theres times I feel like hiding until this nightmare is over!!!  I ve been taking Bachs Rescue Remedy,it helps to take the edge off the anxiety and I do the honest guys guided meditation on you tube at least once a day or at times when a panic attack comes.Im trying to eat little and often so I don't get that sugar dip feeling. Take care x
  • Posted

    OMG me too I just woke up can't breathe out my nose and I'm boring up. I posted a discussion earlier about this because my ears hurt etc. my body feels heavy I think that's being fatigue . I usually just take an Claritin and about an hour I'm good. I can breathe .
  • Posted

    It does seem to me that meno makes anything you already suffer with worse.

    Also if you start to worry about things it can set off the anxiety.

    I know what you mean about grandchildren, my daughter has twins, I used to have so much patience now just worry about them wrecking my stuff.

    I always felt I must do this or that and these days I just do what has to be done. Try and take as much pressure off yourself as you can and try (I know it's hard) not to worry and stress yourself about anything as that will just turn into full blown anxiety which just makes all troubles physical and the everyday stuff seem worse.

    • Posted

      I try my hardest to keep calm its hard i have my grandchildren at least 6 days a week my daughter works a lot she is a single mom i try to keep telling myself it will go away if i just calm down ir helps a little
    • Posted

      Golly poor you, I only see the twins about once a month and they are such hard work, my daughter is good with them but always asks me to go with her to help if she is visiting my dad. Then they are non stop, our house fairy baby proof but my dad's is a wonderland for them.

      Have you thought about HRT?

      Last time they came mothers day I found at least I had a bit more energy to chase after them.

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    Not yet tried it but Marshmallow tea is supposed to be excellent for a stuffed up nose.
  • Posted

    If if helps you can use peppermint oil under your nostrils, will clear you up great, there may or may not be an issue if you have blood pressure probs, I'd research that first but I find it's the ONLY thing that clears me sinus's OR a xylitol spray, natural and non addictive.

    also pays to note if you have any digestive disturbances, can also be related. Probiotics may help, I'm using one now that clears up bad bacteria in the gut and I'm not waking up half suffocating anymore due to heavy blockage.

  • Posted

    ive had the heavy body feeling, mine comes when im very fatigued and at the same time i get the stuffy nose feeling along with flu like illness, but know i havent got the flu its caused by the fatigue in me, its what also causes the rise in histamine levels, so, sometimes i get a rash especially after comin gout from a hot bath, and that just makes my body even heavier.

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