Hi Liz
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Hi Liz
Like me you feel old and slower promises life would be better but like me I dout it is . HRT sounded the brilliant cure but no symptoms were worse . Life and getting older doesn’t come with a manual wish it did good luck in whatever you try Liz I’m trying the herbal route but not expecting miracles 😁😁
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Guest angue47405
Hi Angue, that’s interesting about your experience with HRT. I’m trying not to go that route because there is breast cancer in my father’s family and I am also trying very hard not to treat menopause as a disease. I’m on medication for Crohn’s disease which I’ve had for 22 years. With menopause, it seems that different things work for different people. My mother had a very hard time with panic and anxiety when she went through peri. It all ended when she had a hysterectomy due to a large uterine fibroid that was causing heavy bleeding. I hope you find the best options for your journey. You’re right, we do need a good manual... most of the useful things I learn are from this forum! 🌸
debbie12340 Guest
It’s such a horrible rollercoaster ride isn’t it ? I’ve had various different symptoms now for over 11 years !! I notice you said your Mother had a hard time with panic and anxiety. These are my worst symptoms and really have had a huge impact on my life
I wondered if it had improved for her and there was any ray of hope for me ? So sorry about your own health issues . . . . Deb x
Guest debbie12340
Hi Debbie,
It is definitely a horrible rollercoaster ride. You are very brave to have dealt with this for 11 years! I've had symptoms for about 4 years and also had surgery 2 years ago (removal of ovary along with cervical and uterine polyps). Panic and anxiety are my worst symptoms, too.
My mom has had anxiety issues for as long as I can remember, and so have I. She did not start having panic attacks until perimenopause. Her anxiety was so severe that she could not be alone or drive a car. Her panic was resolved by her hysterectomy. I have all kinds of issues going on and am trying to find a new gyn doctor (long story) but remain hopeful that all of this will get worked out eventually. I do hope that things get better for you soon, too. There is nothing easy about going through this.
Take care,
debbie12340 Guest
i dont feel feel brave I feel like a complete failure. I don’t understand why I can’t control this stupid anxiety. My driving has become limited, and I definitely can’t drive on the motorway. I have an extreme fear of the Dentist now, I have to take Dizaepam to go and even that doesn’t completely calm me ? I think I need a stronger dose. I finally managed to go Monday after avoiding it for 2 years, and they said I had a shadow and probably need a root filling . . . Literally feel sick at the thought. Have no idea what I’ll do if it starts hurting, they’d said it might have been like it for years ?
Do you have anything for the anxiety? The strange thing is I’m actually ok day to day if I don’t have anything like this playing on my mind. I hope you find help with your isssues.
love Debbie x
Guest debbie12340
Hi Debbie,
Trust me, you are brave. I don't take anything for the anxiety. I'm on medication for Crohn's disease and also dealing with urinary issues and am reluctant to add another medication to the mix. Instead, I try to focus on deep breathing, keeping myself distracted with other things (work, family, church) and try to watch something funny like a movie or TV show each evening to lift my spirits for a bit. I think I have found a doctors' group that can help me and am going to post separately about that in case my experience helps anyone here.
Take care, Debbie. If you do think that medication and/or counseling would help, those are options that help many people and could be a good direction to take.
Liz x
debbie12340 Guest
Thank you for your reply. So sorry you have enough medication already. I wish I could keep calm by deep breathing, my anxiety is too severe for that unfortunately. I do try distraction but that’s in addition to tablets. Maybe it will get better post meno ? That’s what I’m praying for anyway.
Take care, Debbie x
Guest debbie12340